Party Thoughts. An Unexpected Someone. Part 3. 💙

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As the night was ending and everyone was about to leave I looked towards the door and saw someone with their wife that I hadn't seen in a really long time. Everyone around me saw my face but I didn't pay attention to them.

Blake: What is it babe?
Me: That guy by the door with his wife. I know him.
Blake: Who is he?
Me: Remember Josh.
Blake: The Navy guy?
Me: Yea.
Blake: Wow. What's he doing here?
Me: I have no idea but he must be here for some reason.
Blake: You are right. Go and talk to him or bring him over here.
Me: I'm about to.

I walked over and he saw me and brought me in for a hug and I did the same and his wife looked familiar and then I looked at her face again and I knew who she was. It was Miranda.

Miranda: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Guys. What are you doing here?
Miranda: We were in a wedding party next door for a friend of Josh's from the Navy since he's out now as well as his friend and we noticed familiar people in this room and we saw you with a man on your arms when we walked by and wanted to say hi.
Me: Oh hello. Sorry I'm just shocked I haven't seen either of you since high school and Josh around the time I had Sapphire.
Josh: Yeah that's true. Miranda and I got married two years ago and we prefer to adopt kids rather than have them since it is a risk for her now.
Me: That's a good idea. I have an adoptive son and daughter so I understand what it takes. Let me know if you need help.
Miranda: Thank you.
Josh: Is that your fiancé over there?
Me: Yeah.
Josh: Is that Blake Griffin?
Me: Yep.
Josh: Man Sarah you are really a high standard lady.
Miranda: She always was Josh you just didn't pay attention.
Me: She's right.
Josh: Yeah I still talk to Grant sometimes even if he got married and moved.
Me: How is he?
Josh: He's good. He's a dad now to three kids and a dog with his wife Kristen so he's busy and out of the Marines.
Me: Oh good.

Blake walked over and shook Josh's hand and hugged Miranda and we just talked for a little bit and a long the way I remembered the small moments where Josh helped me remember my grandma at the cemetery and then him going off to Japan before Sapphire was born and you know all those small moments. He is a part of my life but I really just had to move on from it since military guys weren't my type anymore.

Miranda: So how is Sapphire Sarah?
Me: She's actually over there and her and Kyle LeMahieu are getting married next year and so is Connor and Rebecca.
Josh: Wow I'm happy for them. That's amazing.
Miranda: It is nice to see that you gave them an amazing life Sarah. My ex boyfriends didn't really support me when it came to having kids until Josh and I caught sparks again but by the time we did it was too late. My doctor said I should consider adoption.
Me: It is the smartest move. I had to stop having kids because the last kid I could have was a miscarriage.
Miranda: Must have been very tough for you.
Me: Yeah it was. I thought the baby was Cody's but it was actually Aaron's and to be honest with you I said to myself I really had to stop jumping around and stop acting like such a spoiled whore and settle. The Yankees helped me find Blake and to be honest ever since then I have really settled and stayed. Aaron of course gave me a hard time about it since we are still co-parenting for the kids and for Rose his daughter with Sam and my step-daughter.
Miranda: I thought my life was crazy but man Sarah I give you props. I could never do what you did and are doing.
Me: It takes a really strong mindset to keep going.
Miranda: I could only imagine. Blake I assume is your final answer right.
Me: Oh yeah. Aaron and the others too much drama and too much going on. I had to switch sports to realize what my life was really about.
Miranda: Oh I know that feeling. Going back to Josh was the best thing I could possibly have done. Honestly he changed a lot since the last time you saw him Sarah.
Me: Yeah he looks like he has. I still have the necklace and bracelet he gave me.
Josh: I'm amazed you still have them Sarah.
Me: Yeah from moving all over the place you pretty much have to pack everything and I have it in a small jewelry box.
Blake: She does. She showed them to me. I was really grateful what you did for her Josh. Not many would sacrifice that.
Josh: The Navy taught me a lot and after I left I felt so much better about myself that I came across Miranda who really needed my help.
Me: Josh I'm glad.
Blake: So how do you all know each other again.
Me: High School.
Blake: Oh I see.
Josh: Yeah it was a long four years.
Me: Tell me about it.
Miranda: Yeah I remember Sarah had a crush on this basketball player Dante.
Me: God don't remind me that was my weakness.
Miranda: Oh Blake she didn't tell you?
Blake: No. lol.
Miranda: Yeah Sarah loved her basketball guys. ;)
Me: Miranda stop embarrassing me.
Miranda: I'm only teasing you Sarah.

Blake looked at me and smirked and I knew he was going to grill me when we got home with questions about Dante.

As the time went on and everyone left Blake and I were the only ones still walking on the beach.

Blake: So about Dante.
Me: What do you want to know?
Blake: Was he good looking?
Me: Blake really? What kinda question is that?
Blake: I'm only asking.
Me: Oh yeah he was sexy. I mean he was sexier than you.

He walked in front of me with a sad look on his face and I hugged him from behind.

Blake: That hurt.
Me: I'm only kidding. He was my type at the time and he kinda looks like just a skinny LeBron.
Blake: I thought you hated LeBron.
Me: Doesn't mean I didn't find his young self good looking.
Blake: Haha ok. So I guess Dante was this fling man then?
Me: Kinda yeah. I was the girl who had crushes but never had a boyfriend. I ended up going to prom with friends so high school was not the best four years. I struggled a lot to find out who I was but sports helped me.
Blake: I'm glad.

I walked back to the car with him while he was carrying a sleeping corgi named Jeter. We put Jeter in the back seat in his little doggie bed and buckled him up.

Blake: Today was interesting.
Me: Yeah it was but I had fun.
Blake: Me too.

Before we pulled away I got a text from Kevin and he said him and Monica were going to go out on a date while her parents watched the kids and I thought that was so nice.

Blake: Why are you smiling?
Me: Kev is going out on a date with Monica.
Blake: I love that. Good for them.
Me: Yeah. ❤️

The next chapter does a high school reunion come about when Miranda and Josh bring Sarah to a spot everyone remembered in high school stay tuned.

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