Jeter Cuddles and Human Cuddles.

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The thought of being cuddled by both a human and a dog is what Blake loved best.

We were on the couch watching a movie while his parents were on the other couch and they took a picture of us with Jeter on one end on Blake's shoulder and  me cuddled up into his side.

Gail: You two are just so stinking cute I can't.
Blake: Yeah I know. Jeter loves the cuddles just as much as Fuzzy does by dad.
Me: I just want to get married already.
Blake: Yeah I know. Maybe we should just elope and tell everyone.
Tommy: Heck no. I would like to see my son get married.
Me: We know Tommy we were just kidding.
Blake: Dad do you think Sarah and I will be okay?
Tommy: Oh yeah you guys are the toughest people I know in these younger generations. Most couples cannot stand each other in the stage you guys are in and now you two are so strong it helps others understand what love means.
Gail: Your dad is right Blake. We know how much you love Sarah. Even that little puppy next to you and your kids and step kids absolutely love you because of how special you are.
Blake: Thanks Mom. I really love Sarah.
Gail: We know.
Me: To be honest if it didn't work out with Aaron and I which I know it won't on the relationship front I will only be friends with him but with Blake there is a different spark there that I haven't felt in a really long time.
Tommy: You see Blake.
Blake: Yeah dad.
Tommy: You know you both can have some alone time. Your mom and I were going to take Jeter and Fuzzy to the dog park.
Me: If that is what you guys want.
Tommy: Yeah we would be happy to.
Me: Okay. Let me know if he's ok.
Tommy: Sure honey.

Tommy and Gail walked out with Fuzzy and Jeter then the house became quiet. I could hear Blake's small heart beats knowing how calm he was which I loved.

Me: Your breathing is calm.
Blake: Yeah because I'm next to you.
Me: Really?
Blake: Yep. I noticed it.
Me: You know when I was alone during all my issues I prayed for moments this silent and calm.
Blake: Yeah I did also. I feel myself and I just feel like I can take you anywhere with me and we would be okay. I know how much you don't like Cali but honestly maybe I will take a different offer away from it.
Me: I don't want to push you away from your dream though.
Blake: You are doing far from that Sarah. I'm putting you and everyone who loves me before what I love to do. All I know is that I want to come home to you and Jeter and have dinner with you guys and be with people who really will hold me and kiss me at night.
Me: I will always do that.
Blake: I know.

I leaned up to kiss him and the kiss became heated for a couple of minutes until we broke away and we had this loving look in our eyes.

Sarah's POV:
When I looked into his eyes I saw this stare that I know I remember no one giving me ever. It was this loving stare but this stare of passion and also just pure lust. I knew he wanted me like I wanted him but I felt so safe with him no matter where we were going to live.

Me: You know every single time I look at you I fall more and more in love with you.
Blake: I feel the same with you.

A couple of minutes later Blake got a FaceTime call from Steph.

Steph: Hey dude.
Blake: Hey! What's up?
Steph: Nothing much. Where's Sarah?
Blake: She's next to me right here.
Ayesha: Hey girl!
Me: Hi girl!
Ayesha: Someone's comfortable.
Me: Girl I don't wanna move. I swear he's like a damn pillow cushion.
Ayesha: Yep that's like this one.
Me: Exactly. He's like my pillow man. I don't even need pillows when he is my pillow. As soon as I hit his bare chest I'm out like a light bulb.
Ayesha: Oh trust me I know. The other night I was so tired I hit his chest and was out. The kids even tried to wake me up but I was just out cold.
Blake: Are we really that comfortable?
Me: Yep. Your chests are really what help us sleep at night. They are just this safe haven for us to feel like we can sleep in peace but just with love attached.

As the day went on and we continued to chat the time went by rather quickly.

Blake's parents walked into the house with us asleep on the couch and his mom I could see her briefly try and take a picture of us sleeping.

I felt a buzz and she must have sent it to the group text with everyone in it

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I felt a buzz and she must have sent it to the group text with everyone in it.

Blake and I woke up two hours later very hungry and we smelled food in the kitchen.

Gail: Hey sleepy heads.
Blake: How long were we out for?
Gail: Two and a half hours.
Blake: Wow. We were on the phone with Steph and Ayesha and when they got off we just knocked out.
Tommy: We know. Your mom said you two looked peaceful Sarah.
Me: How did she know?
Tommy: The group text. Even your dad was happy. We are also. Ayesha responded with smiles.
Me: I fell asleep on him first and then he moved to my chest and fell asleep.
Gail: He never used to do that with any girl Sarah. Which means he feels very safe with you. He usually protects you but this time you protecting him is what he really needs.
Blake: She's right Sarah. I usually never fall asleep on people not even my teammates but you were my safe haven like I'm yours when you need me.
Me: I feel special.
Blake: You should.

Back to NYC in the next chapter with different thoughts. Stay tuned.

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