A Night with The Hugger 🤗

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Ben offered me to stay with him for the night since he was alone with just his dog and I brought Jeter with me to give Marieka time to herself.

Ben: Do you need any pjs?
Me: Nope thanks. I brought all my stuff with me so I can just leave here to go to work tomorrow.
Ben: I'm glad you wanted to stay Sarah.
Me: Yeah me also. Your place is amazing and I love the view.
Ben: Yeah the view from up here is really peaceful and I like to look out sometimes.
Me: Yeah. Do you want to watch a movie?
Ben: Yeah we could watch a Disney movie.
Me: Yeah.

I ended up cuddled on the couch with him watching The Lion King. The dogs were asleep in their room in their beds.

Ben: Do you still miss him?
Me: Yeah. Though I'm trying not to think about it.
Ben: I know. I'm glad I can help calm you Sarah. Hold on you are shivering here's another blanket.
Me: Thank you.
Ben: Do you want to call Blake?
Me: Um yeah I'm going to call him.
Ben: You need space?
Me: Yeah where could I go?
Ben: You can go in my room and shut the door.

I walked into his room and shut the door and called Blake.

Blake: Hey. I miss you.
Me: Hey. Miss you also.
Blake: Where are you?
Me: I'm at Ben's.
Blake: Oh okay.
Me: Don't worry he offered me to stay with him and I'm going to be sleeping in the guest room. Jeter is with me so I could give Marieka the night off from baby-sitting.
Blake: Oh okay. Um someone wants to say hi. He was the one who told me to come here actually and I said yes.

Of course Tatum would be the one to recruit Blake to come. I didn't like him very much. So I just put on a fake smile.

Blake: Sarah are you ok?
Me: Oh yeah I'm fine.
Blake: Um I have to run the guys and I are going out clubbing so I will talk to you tomorrow. Taylor is with the kids out walking around.
Me: Um a club?
Blake: Yeah it was T's idea so I decided to tag along to have some fun.
Me: Okay fine. I will I guess talk to you in a couple of days.
Blake: Um ok. Bye.
Me: Bye.

I walked out of the room and I just had this hurt look on my face. Ben saw and came over to ask what happened.

Me: Blake's just going out clubbing and apparently Tatum was the one who recruited him to come to Boston and he lied to me and said it was one of the coaches. So there is two reasons I'm pissed but one day he's going to regret it.
Ben: Yeah he is but I want you to focus on you right now Sarah. If he wants to fuck up that's his issue not yours. You aren't his momma.
Me: Yeah you are right I know. I mean we will see if this marriage will last because if I can't make it another month this is going to be an issue.
Ben: Do you mean that?
Me: Yep I do. I was never meant to get married long term anyways. I'm always the girl who jumps from man to man in order for herself to settle down.
Ben: That's not true Sarah because it always seems to be the men not you.
Me: Man I know how to pick them.
Ben: Trust me I have been in your situation but with women before. Maya and I fought sometimes because of the distance and we knew we couldn't go along with the marriage.
Me: That's perfectly fine. I just really don't want to be that woman that is constantly after a new guy.
Ben: You are the fighter Sarah. When people think men are the fighters all the time. Nope women are also.
Me: Yeah, anyways can I lay down on your lap please and you can tell I just don't want to be alone right now.
Ben: Yeah sure.

I was laying down in his lap and he kept rubbing up and down my arm which I was enjoying.

Ben: Sarah I hate to say this but I really do love you.
Me: You do?
Ben: Yeah.
Me: I do love you also but I'm still married.
Ben: I know that's why I kept my distance.
Me: I wish I could have something with you but when I do decide to move on I wanna tell you that I would have chose you if you were the last one standing.
Ben: Yeah?
Me: Yeah.

I gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked to my room.

I sat there and I was tempted to kiss Ben but I didn't want to cause myself to feel conflicted so I let it go.

The next morning I woke up to Jeter giving me kisses and I smiled and rubbed his little head. Ben walked in to wake me up and give me a kiss on the head.

Ben: Hey sleepy.
Me: Hey.
Ben: Are you ok?
Me: No.
Ben: What's wrong?

I got up out of bed and leaned up and kissed him.

Ben: Um

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Ben: Um.
Me: I just had to do that.
Ben: Did you like it?
Me: Yeah. I liked it a lot.
Ben: What's going to happen with Blake?
Me: well I'm still angry with him about yesterday.
Ben: Well you are gonna be even more angry with him when you see these pics.

I looked at Ben's phone and I saw Blake kissing another girl. I looked down at his hand he didn't have his wedding ring on either.

Ben: Sarah I'm sorry.
Me: Nope. Don't even worry about it. I knew this was going to happen.
Ben: Do you want to go to work?
Me: Yeah. I'm going to get ready. Ben wait.
Ben: What?
Me: I really love you also.
Ben: Good. I'm glad.

Maybe this is what I needed after all that has gone down. Maybe God was testing me all these years but having this happen now was some sign.

Let's see what happens in the next chapter.

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