Wedding Day Part 2

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I walked into the reception hall with Gail and Tommy when Blake was outside greeting everyone and he told me to go have some time with my new in laws.

Gail: Sarah you are finally married to my son and I thank you lord you don't have to go back to that life you once had.
Me: I said the same thing just now in my head Gail.
Gail: We are going to take care of you Sarah trust me. Blake's past is nothing you have to worry about.
Me: Good I'm glad.
Tommy: Sarah listen to my wife. Aaron gave you hell and my son won't.
Me: I know Tommy. Thank you.
Tommy: Your welcome. Now go eat and drink something I will keep the rest of the world occupied for now. I'm going to send Blake over in a minute.
Gail: Blake honey!
Blake: Hey mom.
Gail: Go eat with your wife please.
Blake: Yes mom.

I sat next to my now husband eating whatever we had picked out for the buffet before they opened for the reception in thirty minutes.

Blake: This chicken is good.
Me: Yeah I like it.
Blake: I feel like the weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
Me: You feel that also?
Blake: Yep. Like I don't have to share anything with anyone anymore.
Me: I feel the same.

After Blake and I ate something we walked around and said hello to everyone and then we came across Jess and Giancarlo.

G: I'm so happy for you guys.
Me: Thanks G.
G: How does it feel?
Me: Like heaven.
G: Yeah I understand that feeling.
Jess: You feel better right Blake?
Blake: Yeah much. I feel like I can now just focus on me and Sarah and worry about what is in front of us.
Jess: That's the best part.
G: Has Aaron or anyone else talked to you?
Me: Nope.
G: He's going through a lot now Sarah.
Me: You know it is funny you say that because before I walked down the aisle he just gave me a smile and walked away.
Blake: I know why he did that.
Me: Why?
Blake: Because he knows he can't get you back anymore to make your life more of a living hell. You only have to deal with him because of the kids now Sarah.
Me: That's true.
Blake: aren't you happy?
Me: I am. I really am.
Blake: Good.

Gerrit and Amy walked over and chatted with us for a little with Caden and walk away.

DJ and Jordan did the same.

Jordan: Sarah didn't I tell you you would feel better?
Me: Yeah.
DJ: You see.
Blake: I knew she would.

I smiled back at Blake and he gave me a kiss on the lips afterwards.

Honestly it is moments like that I'm going to get for the rest of my life. I don't think I can really think about being with anyone else anymore.

Sapphire and Conner came over with Kyle and Rebecca and they had smiles.

Blake gave them hugs and then pulled me in for another one.

Rebecca: You feel better mom?
Me: Yeah I do. This man is amazing.
Rebecca: I'm glad.

Conner: Mom dad wants to talk to you.
Me: Ok.
Blake: I'm giving you space Sarah.
Me: Thanks.

I walked to the middle table where Aaron was sitting with Chrissy.

Chrissy: Sarah I'm happy for you but I'm going to go talk to my sister chat later.
Me: Okay!
Aaron: Hey.
Me: Um Hey.
Aaron: I'm happy for you Sarah.
Me: Thanks.
Aaron: You read my letter?
Me: Yeah.
Aaron: Are you going to ask why I wrote it?
Me: Yeah.
Aaron: That's our closure Sarah. If it has nothing to do with our kids it has nothing to do with us anymore.
Me: Yeah. Thanks.
Aaron: Isn't this what you wanted? You are free now Sarah.
Me: yeah thanks again.
Aaron: Is there anything else you wanna say?
Me: Nope. See you around.
Aaron: Ok.

Before he could lean in for a hug I walked away more like ran away.

Amy: Sarah you ok?
Me: Oh yeah I'm fine. I just need a moment alone.
Amy: Yeah sure.
Blake: Babe wait!
Me: Blake I need a minute sweetie please.
Gail: Honey give her a minute to cool down. She needs that much.
Blake: Yeah I know. I'm going to give her all the space she needs.
Gail: Good now come with me I want to talk to you.

I walked out to the garden area and just sat there and cried for a little while and then wiped my face and fixed my makeup and walked back inside.

Tommy: You ok Sarah? Your parents and I were worried about you.
Me: Actually Tommy can I talk to you?
Tommy: Sure sweetie.

I walked with him outside and we sat on the bench.

He gave me a bottle of water.

Tommy: What is it?
Me: Are you supposed to feel like this after not being married for so long?
Tommy: Feel lost?
Me: Yeah like that.
Tommy: I understand what you mean Sarah. That is okay to feel like this.
Me: Are you sure? I don't want Blake to think I'm not happy.
Tommy: Sarah this is a huge step for the both of you and I know he is feeling the same but it just hasn't hit him yet. It hits women faster than it does men and that is to be expected.
Me: Thanks for understanding.
Tommy: You're welcome Sarah.

He walked back inside and Blake came out.

Blake: You feeling ok?
Me: Yeah baby. I'm fine.
Blake: Are you sure?
Me: Yeah I promise. I just needed advice from your dad.
Blake: That you feel lost right?
Me: Yeah. I'm sorry.
Blake: Nope I'm feeling the same. It is going to take us a month or two but I promise Sarah we are going to be ok.
Me: Yeah.

Blake and I shared a kiss and we walked back inside.

Let's just say two days from now we would be headed to Italy for our honeymoon and then it would be basketball time for him.

Who knows what else could happen?

Stay tuned.

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