Renewing Vows Talks.

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I was sitting with Patty in the kitchen and we were talking about renewing the vows next month but making it small was the main thing. She knew and Aaron definitely knew I didn't want everyone around for this. It was not needed to be going through man after man all these years with people capturing every moment that may not last. I have only been married twice. My marriage with Cody was never really a marriage and my relationship with Ben was just casual. Aaron was the only man I was with where I felt the need to have the marriage continue even though I knew it wouldn't last with everyone around. 

As I was into space I could feel Aaron give me a kiss on the cheek and his mom and my mom in the kitchen smiling. 

Patty: This girl is always in her own daze. Are you ok Sarah?

Me: Oh yeah, I am fine. 

Patty: Are you sure because my son just kissed you and you didn't even feel the need to kiss him back that is sort of new to me. 

Me: I was just thinking about the past guys I have been with and Aaron was the only one I wish bad things didn't happen to.

Nahla: That's because he was the one you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Sarah. It is hard losing someone like that just because many people got in the middle of it. Aaron didn't have the right head space at the time and neither did you. You could tell timing really was never on either of your sides but now it is. Everyone else has moved onto their own drama and left you both alone since there is no more drama to create.

Aaron: Your mom is right Sarah. Mine happens to be also. I want to marry you for one final time and I mean FINAL because I know we cannot go a moment in time anymore without thinking of each other. 

I walked up to kiss him and for once I relaxed into him with a smile through the kiss and he did the same. 


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Aaron: Been awhile since a kiss felt like that with you.

Me: Yeah I know. Since the first one on the mound at Yankee Stadium.

Aaron: That's the one I was thinking about also.

Patty: Why don't you two let Tim and Demi help you with this renewal?

Aaron: That isn't a horrible idea. I mean we have more trust in them than anyone else.

Patty: You should call them.

Me: I will call Demi right now.

I picked up my phone and put the call on speaker.

Demi: Hi Sarah! 

Me: Hey Demi. 

Demi: Is everything ok?

Me: Yeah it is. What are you and your husband doing today?

Demi: We are running a church camp today until 5pm and then we don't have anything to do after that. What did you have on your mind?

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