Coming Across That Talk. Part 1.

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I woke up the next morning and I went downstairs with Aaron, Rosie, and Jeter still sleeping. I was texting Demi and she kept sending me laughing emojis because she knew I would never be up this early if it wasn't for Rosie drinking too much water before she went to sleep and going to the bathroom too much. 

I called her on the phone since it was around ten something in the morning since her and Tim were coming up to the Bay Area today. 

Demi: Hi Sarah. How are you girlie?

Me: Hi Dems, I'm good. Are you guys coming up here today?

Demi: Yeah we are going to leave a little later since Tim and I had a late night last night with some friends over regarding work related things.

Me: Oh okay. Yeah I would let him sleep until noon. 

Demi: Yeah I woke up to use the bathroom and didn't go back to sleep that is why I am up. 

Me: It makes sense. I was up with Rosie all night because she has her daily I drink too much water and I have to go to the bathroom periods. 

Demi: Yeah my cousin's child is like that. She is around Rosie's age. 

Me: Oh okay. 

Aaron came down the stairs a couple of minutes later and gave me a kiss on the head. 

Demi: Is Aaron up because I hear shuffling around you.

Me: Yep he just came down the steps. 

Demi: Hi Aaron. 

Aaron: Hey Demi. 

Demi: Do you guys have anything planned for today before we come and see you guys in a couple of days?

Aaron: I actually am going to take Rosie to see her mother. 

Demi: Wait what?!?

Aaron: Yeah Sam called me yesterday asking if she could come by and see Rosie and I said yeah sure you can. 

Demi: Did you even talk to Sarah about this?!?

Aaron: I was going to talk to her today. 

Demi: Sarah are you ok with this?

Me: Demi can we call you back later?

Demi: Oh boy, I knew this was coming. Yeah we will talk to you guys later. Aaron you should have told her. I don't like what you did hun. 

Aaron: Sarah and I will talk about this Demi. We are going to be fine. 

Demi: Whatever you say. 

She hung up and Jeter and Rosie came down the stairs and I sat them at the island and put them their food ignoring Aaron. 

Aaron: Sarah we need to talk. 

Me: Oh we do??

Aaron: Yeah. 

Me: Fine talk since you made this decision before me. 

Aaron: I talked to my mom about this the other day and she said to talk to you before you make the decision to bring Sam over. Of course I disobeyed her when I shouldn't have and I knew it was going to bite me in the ass. 

Not even a couple of seconds later the door bell rang and Aaron went to the door to a Samantha and her husband behind her. The one man I hated but not as much as I hated her. 

She walked into the kitchen and I walked out of it and took Jeter upstairs with me with my breakfast and his. 

Me: Take care of your shit Aaron and call me when she and the beast are gone. 

Aaron: I got it. 

I walked upstairs and closed the bedroom door with Jeter on the floor finishing his food. 

Me: Jeter boy this is the last time you are going to eat up here. 

He just looked at me and went back to eating his food. 

I came down an hour later to an Aaron and Rosie on the couch watching a movie. 

Me: She's gone with the beast?

Aaron: Yeah. She said she is going to spend one day a week with Rosie with supervision from my mother for now until I figure out the rest. 

Me: Fine whatever but if something else is going on I'm packing up my shit and leaving with Jeter like I did before and everything is being called off. Be honest with me now! 

Aaron: Sarah she is married. There is nothing nor will there be ever again going on with us. 

Me: Okay if you say so. I don't trust either of them so I suggest the beast is not around when she is with Rosie because I don't want Rosie around creepy assholes. 

Aaron: I know I told her to keep her husband away from Rosie. She understood. 

Me: Okay now that that is settled Demi and Tim should be over in the next couple of minutes to help us with the vow renewal. 

Aaron: Okay sounds good. 

A couple of seconds later the door bell rang. 

I walked to the door and brought Demi in for a hug as well as Tim. 

Tim: Demi told me what happened. I am going to talk to Aaron. 

Me: Thank you. I only trust you to talk to him since you actually waited for the one. 

Tim: Haha I understand Sarah. 

I walked with Demi into the kitchen and Rosie followed us and Demi started to talk with her. 

Demi: Rosie did you like seeing your mom for the first time today?

Rosie: I don't really like her. 

Demi: Why didn't you tell your dad honey?

Rosie: Dad wanted me to see who she was but then he said that if something else goes wrong when I am with her then I wouldn't have to see her again. 

Demi: Are you sure?

Rosie: Yes I am sure. I want Sarah to be my mommy for good because she loves me and takes care of me and she understands me. I don't know anyone else but Sarah and I feel safer with Sarah like Jeter and our doggie sister that is now with Grandma Patty and Grandpa Wayne. 

Me: Thank you for your honesty Rosie girl. 

Rosie: You are welcome mom. 

She walked over and gave me a hug and I gave one back to her. 

She walked back into the living room where Aaron was with Tim. 

Since this is going to be one of two chapters I am going to stop this chapter here to let you guys think about what is going to happen next. What do you think Tim is going to tell Aaron for the future?

Stay tuned. 

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