Aaron's Thoughts.

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Aaron's POV:

Woke up the next morning in my bed and saw I was sleeping alone. Christina and I haven't slept together yet because I need to do something to prove to her that I can be there for her and that she's the only one I want. I know she was working at the bakery with her aunt today so I decided to bring Rose and help out. I packed up Rose's things since she was up put her in the back seat of the car and drove to the bakery after we had some breakfast and got our things together.

I walked into the bakery and saw Christina with flour on her face and I was carrying Rose.

Christina: Hi Rosy girl! Hi Babe.
Aaron: Hi honey.
Christina: what are you doing here?
Aaron: I wanted to come over and help.
Christina: Oh good maybe you can help my aunt in the back putting the cupcakes in the oven and also frosting them. We won't have a busy day until later on when everyone gets out of work. I will hold Rosy and we can watch.
Aaron: You know you have flour on your face right?
Christina: Oh shoot I forgot about that.
Aaron: Let me do it.

Aaron took his shirt and went to wipe her face and then he leaned down and kissed her on the head. Rose was looking at her dad with sweet eyes and he gave her one also.

Christina: Thanks for that.
Aaron: Welcome.

We walked to the back of the bakery and Chrissy's Aunt Mary came to say hi to me and to give Rosy a kiss on the cheek.

Mary: So Aaron when are you going to take Christina out on a date?
Christina: Auntie stop.
Mary: What the man has not taken you on a date yet. Don't Auntie Mary me.
Aaron: I am planning it actually and I know just the place.
Mary: Oh okay.
Aaron: I'm going to have Sarah and Blake take Rose for the day because they want her to spend time with Kings and Jr. and we are going to spend the day together but at night I have something special planned.
Christina: Oh okay. Sounds good.

Christina's POV:

I didn't know where Aaron was going to take me but I hope it was some place romantic and had good food. I love to eat and I know he does also. I saw him helping my aunt with the cupcakes and he put Rose down in the high chair he brought her having her eat a mini cupcake. I saw a future with him back here and I want to know what made him come today.

I texted Sarah and asked her.

Christina: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Chris. What's up?
Christina: Aaron is here at the bakery with Rose. Did you tell him to come?
Me: Nope I haven't spoken to Aaron since we found out our daughter in law was pregnant. Why?
Christina: He's here frosting cupcakes and putting them in the fridge with my Aunt and he brought Rose to try them. Has he done this before?
Me: Not with me no. I mean we have gone places together with the kids when they were younger but nothing spontaneous like that. Keep an eye on him the rest of the day and keep me posted.
Christina: Will do.

Christina put her phone back in her pocket and went into the kitchen and Aaron was tickling his daughter and I thought it was the sweetest thing in the world.

Aunt Mary walked over to me and smiled with me.

Aunt Mary: You know Chrissy you need to open up to him more.
Christina: Auntie I want to see how he acts when we do get together.
Aunt Mary: I know Chrissy but you need to stay open for him for now and when things start getting weird that's when you close yourself off.
Christina: I don't know why he picked me. I'm just Kelsey's sister.
Aunt Mary: He didn't pick you sweetie because you are Kelsey's sister. He picked you because he likes you and wants to get to know you.
Christina: Yeah I know.

Aaron walked over to Christina and gave her a kiss on the head and told her to hold Rose while he finished the cupcakes.

Aaron: The kisses on the head are needed at the moment since I know you want to take it slow with me which is fine.
Christina: Thank you for understanding.
Aaron: Trust me being married to Sarah changed me.
Christina: I can tell. :)

As the rest of the day went on Christina wanted to know what Aaron had up his sleeve for their date but she also wanted to be surprised. Her aunt kept smirking at her the whole time and she would just roll her eyes and walk away.

Time can only tell what was going to happen with Christina in the future but with God anything was possible. She just wanted to be treated the way her parents treated each other and that doesn't always happen with everyone but she was just being cautious.

Let see what happens when Aaron pampers Christina in the next chapter and Aaron's parents come into town for the first time to meet Christina.

Stay tuned.

Now enjoy this picture of a corgi that looks like Jeter. 🐶


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