When the days have passed.....things change.

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It had be a half a month since Ben left for Australia and Sarah didn't even bother to contact once because she was waiting for him to call her.

Aaron was sitting next to Sarah with Rosie eating her gold fish and Jeter was napping on the floor next to me in the kitchen.

Aaron: Sarah?

Me: Yea.

Aaron: You okay?

Me: Oh yeah.

Aaron: You don't look ok.

Me: I promise I am fine.

Aaron: Okay.

A couple of minutes later I was getting a facetime call from Ben.

I picked it up and told Aaron to be quiet and he did and took Rosie and Jeets to go watch TV.

Ben: Hi Sarah.

Me: Hey.

Ben: I wanted to tell you something.

Me: What is it?

Ben: The moments we spent together were the most amazing moments I have ever had with any girl but I do believe it is time to move on.

Me: I was thinking the same thing.

Ben: When did you think it was?

Me: The day you left.

Ben: Yeah I thought about it also. I also know you are at Aaron's and I knew you were going to have him back in your life Sarah. I am not going to argue about it but I am going to thank you for helping me and for getting me where I should have been years ago.

Me: You're welcome. Good luck.

Ben: Thank you. You too. You deserve the world Sarah and I really hope Aaron gives it to you forever.

Me: Thanks. Same with you.

Ben: It was me Sarah it was never you so don't forget that.

Me: I know. I won't.

He clicked the end button at the bottom and I just sat in silence and walked outside.

Staring into space knowing this was going to happen made the weight off my shoulders get lifted.

Aaron: Sarah?

Me: Yeah. I am out on the patio.

Aaron: My mom is over she walked in when you were on with Ben. She is watching the kids.

Me: Okay.

Aaron: Is it over with you two?

Me: Yeah it is.

Aaron: Are you ok?

Me: Oh yeah I am for the first time not going to cry over this because I knew this was going to happen.

Aaron: What do you think is going to happen now?

Me: Well I know it is going to be in the media tomorrow and to be honest I don't even want to fight about it anymore.

Aaron: You shouldn't have to if he is the one who ended it with you.

Me: Yeah I know.

Aaron: Do you still want to go to Italy?

Me: I do but maybe next month.

Aaron: I would like that. We both need to get away.

Me: I agree.

He walked up to me and gave me a hug and I accepted it but didn't shed a tear.

Aaron: You are so strong you know that?

Me: Yeah I know I am .

Aaron: Are you going to move your stuff out of his place you share with him?

Me: Yeah I am going to start doing that tomorrow but for right now do you want to go lay in the grass.

Aaron: yeah sure. We have to tell the kids though.

Me: We can bring them over.

After getting off the phone with Sapphire, Rebecca, Conner, and Kyle they all came over and gave me hugs.

Sapphire: Mom you okay?

Me: I promise baby girl I am fine.

Sapphire: I knew this was going to happen with you and dad though. Kyle knew it also.

Me: How did you know Kyle?

Kyle: I saw you two talking at the clinic and I knew something was sparking again. The way you look at him Sarah it is common sense. You look at him like he is the only one in the room. Uncle John I am sure told you that before.

Me: Yeah he did.

Patty came outside with Rosie and Jeets.

Rosie: Daddy is Sarah going to be in my life forever now?

Aaron: You are going to have to ask her that.

Me: I am Rosie girl. Are you okay with that?

Rosie: Yes I am. I know how much daddy missed you and he wasn't happy without you.

Me: What makes you say that?

Rosie: I used to look at him sitting outside back in NY and he didn't look happy. Now he looks happy again.

Aaron: She is right you know.

Conner: I told you dad.

When the kids started to notice what was going on and what was still there with their father they knew it was bound to happen eventually.

Patty: I told you Sarah. Don't you feel better?

Me: I feel like I never left.

Patty: Isn't that a good thing?

Me: It is.

Patty: Sarah lets take a walk.

Me: Okay.

Aaron: I got everyone mom.

Patty: Thank you honey.

I walked down the road with Patty and we went back to the park where she said Aaron played little league.

Patty: When I took Aaron to his first little league game he was over the moon because he couldn't wait to pick up a baseball and feel whole again.

Me: Really?

Patty: Yep. I thought that was the only thing that would make him happy in life until he met you Sarah.

Me: Really?

Patty: Yep the day he met you was the day things started to look up for him Sarah.

Me: His brother told me that the last time we were in the city and he came to visit.

Patty: Sarah I know you have been told your whole life that many of the other guys would make you forget my son but did that really happen?

Me: No it made me miss him more. It made me miss the days where we would come home after a game and he would kiss me goodnight and tell me how amazing of a mom I was to the kids and how amazing a person I am.

Patty: Do you believe now so many years down the road that that was true?

Me: Now I do. After all we have been through why the hell not make the best of it.

Patty: Exactly.

As the day went on Aaron said he wanted to take me on a date tomorrow and I was waiting for what was going to happen with him.

The stories Patty told me made my wheels turn about what would keep Aaron and I's relationship stronger and that was to keep the foundation closer.

In the next chapter we will see what happens.

"Keeping Promises" (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now