Only in Oklahoma.

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It was two days before the wedding and literally the last time I talked to anyone was about a week ago. Everyone was flying into Oklahoma City and then taking their own transportation to get to Blake's hometown. Most of the NBA I swear could be here right now and some were even visiting friends they knew in Oklahoma City and the surrounding areas.

Blake and I were living ten minutes from each other because we needed to get some things together for our parties for the wedding.

I was talking to Marieka and I hear a knock on the door.

I open it and Chrissy is standing there with Jess and Amy with smiles on their faces.

Me: Thank you guys for coming so early!
Amy: Are you kidding ?!? We love you! I'm so glad this day is happening !
Me: For once I don't have second thoughts so this is a good thing.
Amy: Oh I know it is.
Chrissy: Sarah I talked to Aaron and he said he wants to talk to you in a couple of hours is that ok?
Me: Yeah that's fine. I think he wants us on the same page with everything which I understand.
Marieka: It is good to clear the water Sarah. It is going to be different from now on and that's ok and I'm glad that Blake and Aaron both understand that.
Me: Yeah I told them that they had to. I mean to be honest they are going to be seeing a lot of each other because of the kids and I want there to be just a bond with them. I swear they have similar characteristics and they don't notice it.
Jess: That's why Amy and Gerrit did what they did Sarah. Obviously they are different people but the similar processes and characteristics are there. You cannot avoid it.

I looked down at my phone and my mom said she was here with my dad and that they would see me tomorrow for the run through of everything before the night before the wedding party.

Marieka: That your parents?
Me: Yeah they are staying next door to Tommy and Gail so they should be occupied for now since everything on their end is done.
Marieka: Oh yeah. Aaron's parents are here also probably staying in the same area.
Me: I didn't know Patty and Wayne were here.
Marieka: Sarah they are still your children's grandparents.
Me: I know that I just don't want it to be awkward for them.
Marieka: Sarah trust me if it was they wouldn't have come.
Me: That's very true.

A couple of hours passed and I said good bye to the girls and went to meet Aaron about fifteen minutes away for a chat.

Aaron: Sarah thank you for meeting me since I know you are going to be busy the next two or three days.
Me: Your welcome. Yeah I'm not going to be able to talk to you like I would want to anymore.
Aaron: I'm moving back to Brooklyn with Chrissy and I told her we would find a place together when we get back to NY.
Me: Yeah she told me. I'm happy for you guys.
Aaron: Thanks. The kids are with your parents staying with them in the area they are in and Junior and Kings are with Blake so everything should be fine.
Me: Yeah I seem to know where everyone is now.
Aaron: Yeah, my parents wanted me to give you this since they won't see you until the day of the wedding.
Me: Okay I will read it later on when I get back to where I am staying.
Aaron: Thank you for giving me the life I deserved Sarah but attached to the letter my parents wrote for you is a letter I wrote for you. I want you to read it whenever you feel the need to.
Me: Thanks.

A couple of minutes later we said our good byes and left.

The next couple of days would be weird but I think having a lot going on would be able to help the emotions both were going through.

I walked back to my place and I sat in the living room area.

Marieka: Hey Sarah. How did things go? Me: It was fine. Just going to read these letters.
Marieka: Okay take your time if you need me I will be upstairs reading.
Me: Okay.

The first letter was from Aaron.

Dear Sarah,
I know we hit many many many dead ends in our relationship and marriage but I wanted to say how proud I am of you for taking care of our kids and for being the strongest woman I know besides my mom. Sarah I'm really sorry I couldn't be there for you when you needed me in the past but I made a pact with the kids and with Chrissy that no matter what I would always be here if you need me. I haven't been the greatest person in the world to many people because those people that walked into my life after you left me I realized I don't want to treat you like they treated me. Samantha was a joke as well as everyone else who stood between us but from now on I want to be a phone call away for whatever you need. Chrissy understands that we have to co-parent and whatever happens happens. I will always love you and I will always be eternally grateful for you. See you in a couple of days.


I wiped a couple of tears and the next letter was from Patty and Wayne.

Dear Sarah,
I know the life you wanted with our son isn't the life God wanted for you and to be honest not everything works out and that's ok. I respect the fact that our son apologized to you and changed because you noticed many changes in him when he left you. You always knew Sarah. No matter what you always knew. You just knew when he was angry. You knew when he was sad. You knew when he needed that extra push and shove and somehow we are so eternally grateful that we kept you around for all these years. Yes I know we are still the grandparents of Conner and Sapphire as well as little Jeter but we want to still be a third family to you for whatever you need. We still love you Sarah and we want you and Blake to have a wonderful life together. See you in a couple of days! Congratulations!

Patty and Wayne.

I broke down in tears from both letters while petting Jeter who was sitting on the couch next to me cuddled up into me.

Marieka came down as soon as she heard me and pulled me into a hug.

Marieka: What is it Sarah?
Me: I want you to read these.
Marieka: Okay.

After an hour of reading both of them she looked at me with tears in her eyes also.

Marieka: now I know why you were crying. Jesus.
Me: Yeah.
Marieka: Jesus my exes and their families never gave two damn craps about me after I left and when I met The Griffins it was definitely a wake up call for love but man Sarah the roller coaster you have been through with The Judges and this is the feedback you get. I just get so emotional.
Me: Yeah I know. Should I keep them around?
Marieka: Shit I would.
Me: Should I show these to Blake?
Marieka: Well you can't see him until the wedding in a day or two but I will call Taylor over to give them to him to read.
Me: Okay.

There are things that Sarah was thinking about that she didn't want to tell anyone else but she thought about just having one last moment with Aaron at the wedding reception but she didn't know what yet. Maybe a dance maybe something else who knows. She will think about it when the time comes or that morning.

Life was definitely going to change for Sarah but she was glad she was able to understand what those changes were going to hold. You really don't want to go in too blind to a situation so marrying Blake was what she wanted the most.

In the next chapter more memories come back a day before the wedding. Let's see how Sarah handles them.

Stay tuned. ❤️

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