Together Moments

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That night after the whole Ben thing Patty and Wayne were sitting in the living room with us and we were just chatting away knowing my parents were coming tomorrow night.

Patty: Hun?
Me: Yes.
Patty: What time are your parents coming in?
Me: Around eight pm.
Patty: How about Wayne and I pick them up and you spend some time with Aaron, Rosie, and Jeets.
Me: Are you sure?
Patty: Yes honey. I'm sure.
Me: Okay I will text them in the morning with the updated news.
Patty: Sounds good.

Patty and Wayne ended up leaving to go back home and then Aaron and I went upstairs to sleep.

Rosie and Jeets were sleeping already in the next room and we had a monitor so we could hear them both.

Me: Aaron?
Aaron: Yeah.
Me: Can I sleep with you?
Aaron: Sure.
Me: Are you sure?
Aaron: Sarah get in the bed. Of course I'm sure.

He gave me some of his clothes to wear which always smelled like him.

Aaron: I missed this Sarah.
Me: What did you miss?
Aaron: Us. You giving Rosie kisses and me taking Jeter on walks.
Me: Do you think this will be forever or do I have to leave again?

He walked up to me and pulled me close and then gave me his phone.

Aaron: Look at who I have in my contacts and you can even look at my entire phone.
Me: You barely have anyone except immediate people.
Aaron: I wanted to show you that I'm in it forever.
Me: Are you sure?
Aaron: I'm one hundred percent positive.
Me: We can take it slow.
Aaron: You got it. We can go as slow or fast as you want.
Me: Thank you.

We got into bed and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up to an empty side of the bed where Aaron was.

Then I heard him downstairs with a barking Jeter and Rosie babbling.

I smiled.

Got myself together, fixed the bed, and walked downstairs to Rosie and Jeter running to give me hugs and kisses.

Aaron: Morning.
Me: Morning.
Aaron: G and Jess are coming over soon. Is that ok?
Me: Yeah.
Aaron: Okay. Did you talk to your parents?
Me: I texted them everything and that your parents are going to get them.
Aaron: Good.
Rosie: Daddy?
Aaron: Yes Princess.
Rosie: If I'm your princess what is Sarah?
Aaron: Well Princess I haven't gotten there yet we are still on the mend but how about you just call her the best mother in the world okay?
Rosie: Okay daddy.

I smiled at Rosie as she sat next to me and took my hand.

Rosie: Mom?
Me: Yes Rosie girl.
Rosie: I love you.
Me: I love you too. 🥹

Aaron looked at the both of us with a smile and it was like I never left in his eyes.

A couple of minutes I get a call from my mom and I pick up the phone.

Nahla: Hi honey.
Me: Hey mom.
Nahla: You ok?
Me: Oh I'm fine. When you get here with dad I need to talk to you.
Nahla: Okay honey. We are about to leave to the airport now. See you tonight.
Me: Okay mom. Safe flight. Love you.
Nahla: Love you also. Thank you.

I got off the phone and Rosie was still holding my hand and Aaron was carrying Jeter.

I looked around the living room when Aaron was letting Rosie finish up her breakfast and I saw Aaron kept our wedding photos up on the wall.

He walked in a couple of mins later and Rosie sat with Jeets on the couch and he walked up behind me with a smile.

Aaron: You looking at wedding photos?
Me: Yeah.
Aaron: I miss those days.
Me: I do also.
Aaron: You know what before we go to Italy next month maybe we can go back to NY for a week and leave Rosie and Jeets with my parents.
Me: Yeah I would like that.
Aaron: Maybe we can go back to Central Park and have dinner at Tavern on the Green.

Me: Yeah I would like that.

Aaron: we have a lot memories there.

Me: Yeah we do.

Rosie and Jeets were playing on the floor and having Rosie as my step daughter has really gotten me thinking about how I wanted to ask Steph and Ayesha if I could babysit the kids one day so they could have some fun with Rosie. They would be coming back next week from Australia as would Ben and I would have to talk to him when we meet about who is going to get the house.

A couple of hours later Patty, Wayne, and my parents walked into Aaron's place and my parents knew exactly what happened.

Nahla: I knew you two would end up back together.

Me: How did you know?

Nahla: Trust me honey

Me: Okay mom, I trust you.

She walked into the living room with my dad and sat down on Aaron's long couch.

Aaron: How was the flight mom?

Me: Did you just call her mom?

Aaron: Yeah I have two mom's so I am going to call her mom. Also she is the grandma to the kids and Jeets.

Me: That is true.

Nahla: The flight was fine and we were comfortable since Sarah upgraded us.

Aaron: Nice. I am glad she did. Anyways I am sure she told you things about her and Ben.

Nahla: Yeah she did and I kind of knew it when I didn't hear from either of them for a month. I mean hey things happen what can you do?

Aaron: Nothing really.

Patty: Honey I am glad Sarah is back in your life and the fact that other's around including myself knew you couldn't last another minute without her should tell a stranger the truth.

As the day went on and Rosie played with all four of her grandparents and Jeter she felt more at home.

Aaron: Should we tell them about going back to NYC for a week?

Me: Maybe tomorrow.

Aaron: Yeah.

Stay tuned of what happens in the next chapter when a new memory comes up.

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