Chapter 7

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I don't know what kind of demon must have taken control of my body back there. I already knew the man and his night fury were following us, but what I didn't know was that my stupid ass would decide to interact with them. Stealth is usually more my to-go-to. Thankfully, Aria's camouflaging ability granted us some distance and time. This way, I can wallow in shame all by myself and-

"You know, where I come from, it's rude to leave so abruptly. That encounter was pretty awkward."

This time it's my turn to shriek like a little girl. I am a girl, it's my birth-right to do so. Still, I detest reacting this way. He followed me?!

Aria casts a glance behind us and I don't need to turn around to know who's there. Wait, Aria doesn't seem as startled as I am, so...she knew? Sneaky reptile.

I take a deep breath to gather my thoughts but remain looking straight ahead.

"No answer? I know you're better than this, Vari"

My Thor, how I hate that nickname. And the voice saying it.

A large silhouette enters my right field of vision, making me close my eyes in irritation. I sense Aria tensing underneath me. She hates them as much as I do.

Malcom steers his dragon closer to Aria, close enough for me to understand his whisper.

"Vari, darling. I know you're not deaf", his voice sends shivers down my spine and I need to focus on not punching his dumb face.

After they finally fly next to us again, I glare at him. He's lying on his dragon's back, his head resting upon its neck and his feet crossed at his ankles. His typical position. I take a few more moments to study his relaxed face. It's almost gorgeous this way, with his curly charcoal hair framing his features. He's clearly been busy because I notice the new clothes he's wearing. Clothes that are too expensive for someone like him. And even though I know the people he's "lending" stuff from (his words, not mine) are rude rich dudes, I feel a small amount of sympathy for them.

"Those new?", my voice is still raspy from my embarrassing scream.

Malcom barely opens his eyes but I can see dimples embracing his mischievous smile.

"You know my unique sense of style demands new clothes each week. Otherwise, it wouldn't be fair to the world. You see, everybody deserves to appreciate this delicious, fine piece of a man", he winks and nods in my direction, "I know you do."

I scoff at his narcissist behaviour. Yeah, I definitely didn't miss him these last few weeks.

Well, except Fireblaster. His dragon, a handsome Rockstomper, is actually a good friend of mine. I often compare the colour of his scales to the forest floor during autumn. In the sun, he glows a vibrant and strong orange with some deep red-brown and light sand-brown details around his wings and tail. His head wears a beautiful crown of dark horns, a smaller one located on his nose.

Fireblaster is still young, which I concluded from his extensive curiosity and playfulness the first time we met. He came to our island one sunny afternoon, and immediately befriended everyone. Rockstompers are rather known to be stealthy but Fireblaster harbours a very kind and soft soul, unlike his rider. Because little did I know that an additional visitor would appear that afternoon. And little did I know that a year later, I still didn't get rid of Fireblaster's obnoxious rider. Seven weeks ago, Malcom spontaneously decided to roam the world and I really thought he would stay wherever he ventured off to. Sadly, no.

Aria and I try to fly faster but I know it's of no use. Fireblaster is a very agile and swift dragon.

"Guess this means we'll no longer have those peaceful evenings and mornings at home, girl", I mutter quietly enough only for Aria to hear. Her ears respond with a quick backwards motion and she lets out an exhausted growl. All the while, Malcom keeps on ranting about his adventures and all of the people and dragons he's met. Usually, information about new dragons and possibly other dragon hunters would spike my interest. But not when it's Malcom, and not when I'm tired and the pain of my right arm is worsening.

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