Chapter 77

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New Berk is quiet tonight, the kind of peaceful that comes after a long day of laughter, conversation, and work. The sky is clear, stars twinkling like scattered diamonds, and the air is crisp with the approach of autumn. I've always loved nights like this, when the world feels still and endless, like the stars themselves are listening.

Hiccup and I are perched on the edge of a cliff, looking out at the horizon, where the distant sea meets the sky. His arm is around me, his hand idly tracing circles on my shoulder. I take in every sensation of this moment, enjoying it to the fullest.

"Can I tell you something embarrassing?" Hiccup asks next to me, the corners of his lips turned slightly upwards in anticipation of laughter.

I squeak and turn towards him, crossing my legs. "Always."

He takes a deep breath, his eyes flickering as he runs a hand through that gorgeous hair. "Remember when you said 'I'm in love with the stars' and I answered with the same phrase?"


He chuckles slightly and stutters a little when he says, "Well, I actually wanted to say that I was in love with you."

I process his words but cannot help the big smile on my face. "You're cute. But you know what?"


"I didn't really admit it to myself back then, but I realised later on that when I said those words, that I was in love with you, too."

His face lights up and, in those forest green eyes, I see a child version of Hiccup dance around with joy. It is one of the most adorable things I have ever seen. "Really?"

"Yes, my handsome and cute boyfriend."

The way his eyes widen and he gasps, I think that child version is now feeling ecstatic. "Say that again."


"Calling me your boyfriend."

I frown but giggle a little, nonetheless. "I've done that many times before, Hiccup."

"I never tire of hearing it. Please?"

Who can resist those puppy eyes? He's just as skilled as Toothless. "I love you, my sweet and immensely weird boyfriend."

He gives me a peck on the cheek. "I'll take it."

I wrinkle my nose in though. "You know what else is weird?"


"Ha ha, very funny, but no." I narrow my eyes and look at the village behind us. "Tuffnut is right. You know, about Ruffnut. Eret. Something's off."

Hiccup sighs, leaning back on his hands. "Yeah, I've noticed. Eret's been acting strange for a while now. Avoiding conversations, always leaving early. And Ruffnut...well, she's been disappearing a lot, hasn't she?"

I nod, chewing on my bottom lip. "I don't know what it is and I wouldn't usually care this much. But Tuff's been driving himself crazy trying to figure it out. I fear that it might have to do with the...uh...dragons, well-"

"Leaving soon? Yeah, maybe."

I throw him a worried glance, but he offers one of his lopsided grins. "Don't look at me like that. I'm okay."

When I continue staring at him, Hiccup chuckles, shaking his head. "Y'know, I wouldn't be surprised if Tuff's hiding in the shadows somewhere right now, waiting to catch them in the act."

I accept the change of subject and smile at the thought of Tuffnut crouching behind a bush, probably dressed in an entire bush camouflage costume, ready to leap out at the slightest sign of something suspicious. "It just got me curious."

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⏰ Last updated: 6 days ago ⏰

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