Chapter 33

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It's finally time.

I hate to admit it, but I was looking forward to this day. And I hate to admit another thing, but I am glad we're packing our stuff right now to save someone that has managed to enter my heart – and to bring her home.


She's become one of my closest friends. Maybe even my best to Hookfang. And much like Hookfang, Vara enjoys making my life feel like hell by punching me randomly or making fun of me. But, when it comes to it, she's there for me.

And now I need to do the same for her.

My thoughts are disrupted by Hiccup calling for me and stiffly asking, "Ready?"

I nod determinedly. My eyes scan my chief's rigid posture and tense expression. I don't judge him for being anxious and worried. I am, too. We all are.

It's a beautiful day, which is kind of fitting regarding our mission. But as I look over New Berk's cliff to the ocean, I notice how quiet it is. No wind. No birds. No nothing.


I release a huff of air at the sudden bump of a giant head into my gut. Turning around to glare at the fire-red scaled perpetrator, I try hard to keep this morning's breakfast inside my stomach.

I swear Hookfang's smirking right now, but nobody ever believes me when I point that out.

Except Vara, a tiny voice in my head says. I snap back to focus and mount my dragon. However, I can't help myself and mutter "Stupid dragon", after which I need to look out for my head since Hookfang tries to decapitate me with his large antlers.

"One day, you will be the death of me," I growl but he just keeps on smirking. Bastard.

Everybody's all packed and ready to fly now. On Hiccup's command, we flip down the masks of our helmets and take off.

No one can see it but now I'm smirking as well. We're coming, Vara, and we'll take you home to Aria.


"The need to protect you is like second nature to me."

I remember that day in the cave so vividly, I can still feel Vara's warmth against my skin.

And the need to protect her hasn't changed at all. Clenching my fists around Toothless' saddle, I flatten my body to his back and release a specific whistle sound. It signals Toothless to fly faster. Vara taught me that one. The thought of that causes the ghost of a smile to flash across my face.

We're almost there. I recognise the three-island formation to my left. Astrid nods towards a small island up ahead and I gesture my agreement.

Landing swiftly on said island, I don't waste any day light. Not even bothering to dismount or take off my helmet, I declare to the others, "We don't know what will happen. But, as we know, Grimmel is a lying sharp-faced monster. So, to be safe, Astrid and I will fly ahead to assess the situation. If there's trouble, we'll send two blasts into the sky. If that happens, I want the twins to help with a distraction whilst the rest surrounds the target. Just like we practised a million times. Understand?"

"And if there's no trouble?" Fishlegs asks.

"Wait here. I doubt Grimmel will think Astrid and I travelled alone, but in case he does, I don't want to lose the advantage."

Fishlegs and the rest of the group nods. That's all I need. Astrid and I take off again and I can feel my heart pounding faster and faster the closer we get to the arrangement of islands, in between which Grimmel had anchored his ships the day we wanted to rescue Aria.

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