Chapter 40

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Hey there, thank you for reading my story.

I know it's rather slow right now, I apologise for that. But I don't intend for this story to be full of adventure or something. I just write what is in my head.


He didn't come.

And I hate that it hurt this much. It still does. I don't know why I expected that he'd come. But after waiting on that island – not in the cave but on top of the hill because, in all honesty, I wanted him to find me – and feeling time stretch out like honey, I gave up.

The light fury female crooned when I approached her. She was dozing under the protective canopy of a tree, the soft white of her scales shimmering in the dance of light and shadow.

She yawned overdramatically and I couldn't help but be surprised as she turned and let me climb onto her back again. A few days ago she would have bucked me off like a wild yak.

But now, as the wind grazes my face and I am glad the weather is rather pleasant today, I look at the calm and peaceful dragon underneath me - and I smile despite the hurt that clings to my heart and drags it down like a stone does underwater. I shouldn't have let myself hope. Did I honestly think he would follow me?

The answer is...yes. I did. And I hate that a small fraction of me still does.

I need to change my train of thought.

Breathing in and out deeply, I flatten my body and I can feel the light fury female stir beneath me at my change of posture. Her ears flicker back and forth ever so slightly – a sign that she is waiting for me. I am not going to lie - her saving us has made me think of giving her a name. But something tells me it would be wrong. She belongs to the Hidden World where no one can touch her ever again. I ignore the thought that the Hidden World should be every dragon's home, including Aria.

Instead, I grin and steady my position. The only thing I need to do is whisper. And I do. "Let's go."


Angry. Furious. That's what I feel about Hiccup sending us back whilst he is trying to catch up to Vara. We want to help – I want to help. But at the same time, I understand. They need to be alone. He has to talk to her. About a lot of things. Open up. If he dares to. And I hope he does.

Vara has been part of my life for way less time than Hiccup has been. But we've grown to be close friends. And as a friend to both of them, I wish them nothing but happiness. Even though the thought of them together still stings a little, I know that feeling will fade away at some point.

Of course, I have...other matters on my mind right now.

My eyes wander off to my right for the tenth time within a few minutes. She is leaning against Windshear, her back half-way turned towards me but in a way that I can still look at her face and see the vibrant green of her lively eyes. I don't know what happened and why I kissed her. I don't know why I feel nervous whenever she is around and why my heartbeat quickens every time I catch sight of her. I didn't even like her at first. Actually, I felt threatened by her. But we befriended each other and now she's one of the few people I am close with – and a girl. I shouldn't feel anything but platonic feelings towards her, right? But then she told me she loved me...of course she meant it platonically. It triggered something, though. Something I didn't know was there in the first place stirred inside of me. Now, there is a giant web of emotions that would take ages to unfold. And it all adds up to utter and simple confusion (though it's not simple at all but I'm ignoring that for now).

Not having paid attention, I suddenly notice that Heather is no longer leaning against her dragon. Where could she ha-

"Hey, there," her voice startles me and I jump around to where she is standing right in front of me. She grins and adds with a wink, "Stalker."

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