Chapter 48

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The next morning


I have been too occupied with my research to notice; to see what lies in the plain open in front of me.

When I saw Astrid and Heather mumbling to each other tensely and walking outside together, I excused myself to follow them.

Like a creep. A jealous ex.

The moment I saw them kiss, something inside of me clicked. It wasn't jealousy, I think. But realisation.

Now, I am pacing in front of Heather's hut; waiting for her to rise and shine like the early bird she is. Taking deep breaths, I move my tired muscles. I haven't slept much. After they kissed, they stared at each other for what felt like ages - their foreheads leaned against each other. The connection between them was tangible. I remember looking at Heather then, taking in her appearance; her green eyes I used to compare to a fresh meadow. I've never met anyone quite like her.

My thoughts are interrupted by a wooden door creaking open in front of me. Heather steps out, the dim light of this cloudy morning is swallowed wholly by those raven strands of hair. When she sees me, she startles ever so little and it makes me smile, because it is rare to happen - catching her off-guard.

„F-Fishlegs," she stutters and runs a hand through her hair. „What are you doing here so early?"

„I saw you and Astrid kiss," I say calmy and hide my own surprise of being this forthright. It's not in my nature to be like this, but it feels reviving to free my thoughts.

The colour leaves Heather's usually rosy cheeks as she freezes. „Y-you saw that, h-huh?"


I have seldomly felt this uncomfortable but then I remember: I know this girl. We were a couple, for Thor's sake. So, I step forward and grab both her shoulders.

I smile tentatively and whisper, „It's okay, Heather." I pause and take in those familiar meadows.

More loudly, I almost choke on my own words, when I say to her, „I still care for you, you know. But it wasn't enough. On both sides. Our love was not strong enough. And I think some small part of me always knew; that it wasn't enough to keep us going...

„But that's alright. Because what you and Astrid have is just that - strong enough. And all I want is for you to be happy, Heather. I hope you are or will be. To be frank, I hope I will be, as well. But everything will come with time."

I bow down to kiss her forehead. It warms my heart to feel her lean into my touch.

„I care for you, too, Fishlegs," she whispers.

Smiling broadely, I pull her into an embrace. Before letting go, literally and figuratively, I nod and say, „I know."


I can't stop fangirling.

On the way over to the hall yesterday, Hiccup went inside already whilst I halted to enjoy the fresh morning air. That's when I saw Astrid and Heather walk out, engaged in a serious conversation, and then I saw them...


I had to quite literally slam my hands on top of my mouth to seal it shut and suffocate the girlish squeal that was about to enter earth's global atmosphere.

I can't even begin to describe how happy I am for them. And, now, thinking about it - it makes sense. The two of them. They might seem like total opposites from the outside; like the sun and the moon; a dove and a raven. But they're so much more alike beneath their surfaces. And I saw the love for one another in their eyes - glowing more brightly than the lightning blast of a Skrill.

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