Chapter 52

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Did I ever, in whatever situation it may be, ever, ever think I'd end up in bed with Tuffnut Thorston?

No. Not really.

I mean...when my family and I joined the Berkians, it did not take long for gossip to pass around. Immediately, I got to hear about the pride of the whole tribe: the chief and his friends.

Of course, I knew who Hiccup was already. I don't think there is a single tribe that has not heard of the famous dragon whisperer and his night fury, the almighty alpha. I remember always having to listen to the girls swoon over him and whine about the fact that he was promised to Astrid Hofferson. I am glad I am not obliged to have contact with them any more or else they'd try to use me to get closer to the chief who's now a bachelor again. How do I know? Oh, gossip travels fast. I hate gossip. It's like weed; it winds its way through the toughest of places so that even I, who does not want to hear a single thing about the gang, hear about the latest news. Horrible.

Gossip also told me about Snotlout Jorgenson, the lady's man apparently. I have never seen him with a woman before and I understand why. He's a tad too cocky and douchebaggy, if you ask me. Fishlegs Ingerman is the total opposite of Snotlout. He's kind, helpful, a bit shy, and knows almost anything about any species of dragon. It's flabbergasting, really. Contrary to what the girls of my village believed, Astrid seems to be a strong but very friendly woman as well as an incredibly skilled dragon rider. Even though he's not my type, I have to admit that Hiccup lives up to the gossip: he's an honourable, kind, and respected chief with an innate charm and unique connection to dragons. I also heard about Vara. Apparently, she's a new addition to the group, yet nobody's sure if she'll stay. But she appears to be a very helpful and compassionate woman. In some ways, she reminds me of Hiccup.

Well, and then there are the Thorston twins. All I heard about them was the fact that they tend to get into trouble due to being very headstrong and...a bit naïve. I expected the worst because of that, which is why I hate gossip – it makes you assume things before you get to know the person. So, on our flight to New Berk, I observed the twins. And...

I was shocked about myself because as soon as I saw Tuffnut, I blushed. He was invested in bickering with his sister. When they bumped into me and Sharphorn, I wanted to shout at them but they did not even register us. So, I calmed down and started to find them amusing. I surprised myself by talking to them. I did not imagine Tuffnut openly staring at me – it made me feel insecure and I blushed even more. His sister, however, did not seem to be enjoying the attention her brother gave me one bit. When she tore their dragon to the other side, I made peace with the fact that that would be the last time I'd get to talk to him.

But after we arrived on beautiful New Berk, he followed me around like a shadow. I realised he actually thought I didn't notice – I don't know why but I let him continue believing it. Maybe because I faced some issues with accustoming to a new home with new people in it. I missed the forest, our clan. Having him around felt comforting. Something I could hold on to; something stable and consistent.

I never thought he'd have the guts to do so, but one day he approached me. Stuttering, he asked me out and it made me laugh because he did not say hello nor did he make any small talk – he plainly asked me on a date. I said yes. I could tell he was nervous and trying his best to make me feel at ease. He wanted me to have the best date I ever went on, he said. I did not tell him I had never been on a date before. But I did not need to because in its own way, our first date was incredibly perfect. He took me to see different islands surrounding New Berk to observe wild boars and dragons. His two favourite animals next to his chicken, he told me. Other girls might have found this boring but I was fascinated by the way his eyes sparkled when he told me about his adventures with the gang and all the different dragons they encountered. I quickly learned that people underestimate him. He has just as much emotional depth, if not more, as any other person. He is full of stories and wonders; of kindness and joy. I have never felt anything towards a boy before but he changed that.

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