Chapter 59

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The sound of my blood rushing through my body and into my ears is almost as deafening as the wind whipping mercilessly into my face because I forgot to pack my suit. I was sceptical when Hiccup told me to wait because he had a surprise. After him telling me to close my eyes and I heard him shifting around, I could open my eyes again, and there he was: holding the dragon suit he made for me. I almost cried. And then I forgot to put it one. I'm such a great friend, aren't I? I don't know if Hiccup and I can be considered friends anymore. We haven't had 'the talk' yet. At the moment, I don't mind. Because we have a mission ahead of us. So, after I got my suit back (and forgot about it right after), I kissed Aria goodbye and all of us mounted our dragons, and flew off. Now I'm sitting behind Hiccup on top of Toothless' back, squinting against the sunlight and fighting back tears due to the harsh wind.

All of that was, of course, erm, after Hiccup and I-

My cheeks heat and my hands clench at Hiccup's sides at the memory of where we were and what we were doing merely an hour ago. Whilst he is leaning forward and admirably focused on steering Toothless to follow Eret and Skullcrusher, I am blushing like a teenager. I can still feel his hands slipping from my neck and sliding down, down, down...

The undeniable heat increased between my legs and I had a feeling that he was and will always be the only one that can satiate it. I ached for him with my hand around his length. As soon as his eyes darkened and pierced into mine and his hand traveled underneath the hem of my trousers, I was completely at his mercy.

He leaned forward until his face was almost resting on my shoulder - one hand next on the wall to my head. „I've never done this before, Vara."

Me neither, I thought to myself. But the capability to speak has left me. I don't know if it was the effect of his husky whisper, the words he was saying, or the feeling of his fingers softly grazing the heat between my legs - or everything at once; but my eyes fluttered when they closed themselves and I bent my head backwards as far as possible, granting him access to my neck when a moan escaped my lips.

At the sound of that, Hiccup clenched his fist and a groan reverberated from deep within his throat. „Fuck, I want you to make that sound again."

He started sensually playing with me stronger and stronger each moment, his confidence growing. I arched my back and could feel his need for me through his hard dick pressing against me. The moans kept coming but when he, finally yet completely unexpectededly, slid his fingers inside of me, I almost screamed with pleasure. When Hiccup moaned at my reaction to his fingers, my inner walls clenched around them, causing him to growl ferally into my ear. His fingers moved with delicious precision, as if he knew exactly where to please me. I fear I would fall down but Hiccup noted this and put my legs around his hips with his free arm. With one hand now cupping the back of my head to protect it from banging against the wall, he trailed kisses down my neck. Just like me, Hiccup grew impatient and his hand slid down from my head to my breasts, working their hardened nipples between his index finger and thumb. I could feel the sweet relief coming near, but I didn't want this moment to end. But Hiccup stifled my shifting around by curling his fingers  upwards. White, hot pleasure erupted from deep within me, accompanied by yelping and whimpering. I could feel Hiccup's body shake because he was keeping his reins tight to remain in control. But I wanted him to unleash; to fully lose control with me. I wanted to melt together and become one in a chaotic, passionate mess. I craved for becoming undone together - at the exact same moment, with him fully buried inside of me.

I began unbuttoning his trousers further to pull them down all the way, but, suddenly and much to the dismay of my need for him, Hiccup grabbed my wrists and leaned backwards to look darkly into my eyes. "I don't want it to happen like this," he says hoarsely and swallows. "I want to do this right. You and me. I want you to become my wife. Not now, not even when we'll get back from this mission. We have all the time in the world because, as I said before, I know you're it for me, Vara. You're it."

His hands unclenched from my wrists and travelled upwards to carress the sides of my breasts, ever so gently. I whimpered softly, earning me a sultry chuckle from him. I grew restless again but Hiccup only leaned down again, so close that his lips grazed my ear, and purred, "When you're my wife, I'll fuck you day in and day out. Hard and with no leniency. You'll beg on your knees for me to stop but, at the same time, you'll never tire of more."

My legs shake at his promise. His wife. I want him to keep saying those words. I crave for the way he pronounces them and how he looks at me then - through my eyes and into my soul, like his and mine are intertwining.

Thanks to the heat of that memory, I now welcome the cooling wind in my face. I look around and see my friends either being lost in their own thoughts or remaining silent whilst flying forward. Nobody says a word. All of us know the severity and reality of this mission. We don't know what we're up against. Yet that doesn't stop us from saving one of us, Liv, and, once and for all, defeating Grimmel.

A few hours later

"Are you sure he's onto them?" Snotlout asks with incredulity marking his raised brows.

"I'm sure," Eret says, his accent more apparrent than ever. "Skullcrusher will find them."

"It's getting dark. Maybe we should rest?" Astrid offers and smiles in hopes of easing the tension everyone's feeling. She's right, though. The moon has started rising and the horizon is darkening by the very second. I pat Toothless' side to which he croons and tilts his head to look at me with tired eyes.

"Astrid's right. The dragons are exhausted," I add.

Everybody agrees and we find a small but elevated island. Many trees serve as shelter from the wind and since there's no rain this evening and the air is surprisingly cosy, all of us lay down next to our dragons under the growing night sky. Hiccup leans back against Toothless's side and motions for me to join him. I smile sheepishly and lie beside him to rest my head on his shoulder. Sleep befalls my senses and I struggle to keep my eyes open.

I dream of a distant fire. Around it, men sit with sturdy postures and dirty beards. And behind them glowers a beast with bloodred eyes watching them with a thirst for death.

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