Chapter 24

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Nothing. That's it. I feel nothing.

They've taken her. Astrid's words resonate inside my head so loudly, it starts to throb with a headache. Grimmel has captured my best friend. Dark thoughts enter my brain without me being able to control them. I don't want to think about what they're doing to her. I don't want to think about the 'what if' situations. She's probably scared and feels lost...

I clench my fists so strongly, my nails pierce my skin and blood starts to trickle down to the ground. My jaw twitches and even though my entire body is frozen, I start to tremble. My blood runs hot and cold at the same time. Inside my chest, my heart has stopped beating, I don't feel its steady rhythm anymore because it has been ripped out.

Yet, I show no emotion. I should be feeling something. Instead, I'm not I feel like I'm floating outside of my body and watching some horrid play about a girl losing her best friend to the enemy.

"Vara...," a soft voice speaks and something squeezes my right shoulder slightly. I turn my head to look at Snotlout whose face is wrinkled in worry. "Hey, look at me." He takes hold of my chin with his thumb and index finger, then turns my head to face him. But my expression is blank, I'm still not fully registering what's happening. Then, a warm and rough-skinned hand caresses my cheek. "Vara?"

I slowly begin to feel life rush through my blood again. And with that, reality sets in.

"She hasn't been talking for five minutes, leave her be. We should strategize," Astrid intervenes. Judging by the look she sends me with her deep blue eyes, I can tell she's trying to protect me from everyone's worry. I would thank her but I'm on the verge of fainting. Between anger and sadness, my shattered heart chooses to numb itself to avoid feeling anything.

I can hear a loud wave of voices discussing about the situation at hand. I remain still at the outside of the group.

Suddenly, a hand grabs my shoulder again. This time, its hold is stronger and I don't need to be fully conscious to know who's pulling me towards them. His husky, piny and earthy scent fills my lungs and, instinctively, I inhale deeply a few times. Two eyes study my face and are filled with the depth and beauty of a forest. Two callous but gentle hands are cupping my face, both hands so big they fit along the sides of my head. Hiccup doesn't need me to say anything to know exactly what I need. Not a single second later, he holds me in a tight embrace, one hand stroking the back of my head. He leans his cheek against my head before pressing his nose into my hair and inhaling deep. Then, he places a soft kiss on my forehead. His lips leave a burning sensation where they touched my skin and I need to lean in closer to him to not give into my jelly knees right on the spot. In his protective hold, I find my way back to my own mind and body. Enjoying his warmth and safety one more second, I finally push myself out of his embrace and look sternly at the group. They stop their bickering about which strategy against Grimmel would be most effective. Even Malcom shuts his mouth and watches me with a tense expression.

My gaze fades to my left where I find Toothless' big green puppy eyes staring at me with nothing but hurt. I give him a small smile to let him know it's going to be okay and to show him we're not going down without a fight. He's the alpha and his mate has been taken. And I'm Vara and my best friend is in trouble.

 And I'm Vara and my best friend is in trouble

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