Chapter 12

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Mere moments after I stormed into my hut, I heard someone shift the animal fur which serves as an entrance. Some small part of me hopes it will be Hiccup but as I turn around, ready to pour my heart out to him, I see her standing there in the dim light of the only lit candle. She takes a deep breath as if to gather strength and then steps closer.

"I think we need to talk, Astrid", she says slowly and her entire posture becomes more slouched as if I were a frightened animal and she didn't want to seem threatening.

Clearing my throat, I nod. I've been dreading this but I agree with her.

Vara waits for a few seconds to grant me the opportunity to speak first, but since I do not, she looks me straight in the eyes and says with convincing sincerity, "I do not wish to get in between you and Hiccup. There is nothing between Hiccup and me except for platonic friendship." The last bit she enunciates very clearly. Her entire demeanour remains calm and collected.

I avert my eyes and find the candle to be a comfortable object to focus on. "I see", is all I say. Honestly, I don't know what else there is to say. Though I still don't fully trust her – and I hate that she won that fight –, I know there's at least some truth to her statement. I've been observing her very closely. Every time Hiccup was in her vicinity, she left. And if leaving was impossible, both Hiccup and Vara didn't seem to send each other longing looks or participated in flirtatious talk.

"You must know", Vara must have noticed my loss for words, "I intend to return to my home as soon as possible."

I finally lock eyes with her. That's when a thought popped up in my head: we don't know much about this girl. So, crossing my arms I ask, "Where is your home exactly?"

She smiles knowingly and mirrors my posture, "Well, it's only a small island with a cave and some trees. It may appear unassuming, but to me it's home. Well, it's the closest thing to the term, at least."

I can see an entire story hiding behind her eyes. Without expecting it, I find myself sympathizing with her. As a woman, facing the world can be difficult but exciting at the same time. And she appears to protect herself with an armoured wall built around her heart and mind, which is something I am familiar with as well.

"I believe you", I think to myself. But from Vara's surprised and relieved smile I can tell I didn't just think those words, I said them out loud. Somehow, I don't mind.

"Good, I'm glad", she softly smiles again and folds her hands together. I bite my lip whilst battling my own thoughts. Should I...?

Oh, for Thor's sake. I might as well.

"Want to stay for a cup of tea?", after she nods, I walk to the back of the hut and fetch some kettles. Vara collects some wood from a stack sitting in a corner and starts making a fire. I glance at her and see her impassive expression. Trying to lighten up the mood, I say, "Did anyone ever tell you about my attempt at a new Snoggletog tradition?"

The corners of her mouth turn down to form a subtle grin as she shakes her head and sits down next to the newly made fire.

"Well", I hang the kettles containing the herbal mixtures above the fire, "some four or five years ago, during Snoggletog, the dragons suddenly started to take off and leave. The people were sad and confused, so I tried to make a new tradition and invented a drink I proudly named 'Yaknog'. Frankly, it tastes horrible but I hoped it would cheer everyone up. So, count yourself lucky I'm only serving you tea."

Vara chuckles and to my surprise I join her contagious laughter, "What about Toothless? He must have stayed with Hiccup because of his missing tail fin. And did the dragons come back?"

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