"You're it for me, Vara," I say hoarsely because I am choking on my own emotions. She looks at me with those big lovely eyes and I feel myself softening even more.
My heart jumps and leaps and spins around like a Terrible Terror on dragonnip (I just made that up so let's pretend it exists okay). I am no longer in control of my own body, my own thoughts. She does that to me. That's why I can't believe myself when I lean forward to rest my forehead against hers. I breathe in her lovely scent and it feels like coming home from a long day of work.
I think of kissing her. Fuck, I want to kiss her so bad. It's like an instinct and it physically hurts to not give in to it. But something tells me to wait. To stay in this moment, with her.
Hearing her breathing slowly, feeling her warmth – it is bliss to me.
Someone clears their throat and startles both of us. Vara and I jerk away from each other as if the other one suddenly caught fire. A low but displeased grumble announces that Aria was enjoying the quiet and peace as much as we did. To our right, standing against the blending bright of the morning sun, Gustav awkwardly shifts on his feet. He avoids eye contact as well as he can and if it weren't for the intimate moment he just interrupted, I would smile a little.
"A-apologies," he stutters and clears his throat again. As if remembering the training he went through to join the A-team, he straightens his posture and says more steadily, "The group is waiting in the Great Hall for Vara and the chief to join the weekly discussion session."
I slightly bite the inner part of my cheek. Damn, I wish he would have gotten here a little later. But duty calls. I nod and glance towards Vara. It is relieving to see that she seems to be as disappointed and startled as I am.
"We'll come with you," I reply and Gustav nods in return. He salutes me, which I am not used to. Nobody does that around here. But I find it funny. Then, with an over-enthusiastic 'Eh-Gustav', he jumps down the stony pathway and leads the way. Weird little fellow.
Suddenly, my heart flutters with nervousness as I face Vara and ask her a little shyly, "Shall we?"
She smiles back and it lifts my mood instantly. Accepting my offer, she takes my hand and I pull her up. I don't miss the worried side glance she throws to her dragon.
I softly bump her shoulder with mine and try to reassure her. "She'll be okay. A few more days rest and we can begin with some training exercises."
Another smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes this time. She's still worried and I can't blame her. But Aria has been observing us the entire time. The dragon lifts her head and the morning sun reflects off her shiny scales. She croons fondly. That eases Vara's nerves and we make our way to the village.
"Yeah? Yeah?! Okay, how about I tear YOU a new butthole!"
"You don't need to! I already have two!"
"Well, I have three!"
I blink at the twins. They're involved in one of their so-called twinno-fights. Yes, that's what they call them now. Twin with an extra n and an o. Why? How should I know. Their voices are so similar, I can't even tell who is yelling what. I don't even care to pay any closer attention.
Sighing, I rest my head on top of my hands as I am sitting at the table with the rest of the group, waiting for our chief and Vara. I wonder where they are. Are they together right now? I don't feel any jealousy at that thought and that sends a spark of happy relief through my veins. With earnest honesty, I can say that I wish them nothing but happiness.

The Soul of a Dragon
FanfictionMost of my life I have been hiding from everyone and everything. Without my best friend, though, I wouldn't have survived. One seemingly normal day, I come across a strange group of dragon riders. One, in particular, draws my attention. That can onl...