Chapter 16

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That grin. I hate that grin. I hate that I actually think it's gorgeous but why does it have to belong to this man?

He pokes me in my arm and points at the group with his eyebrows, his dark eyes lively with an excited spark.

I sigh deeply and call out, "Guys, this is Malcom Vass. He's an...acquaintance of mine." Malcom reveals his rich smile and I can see his innate charm already working on the majority of the group. Everyone is thrilled to welcome new company (granted, most of them are very drunk), everyone except Eret and Hiccup. Eret glares at Malcom, suspicion staining his eyes. I like Eret. He's suspicious.

"Eretty!" Malcom suddenly cries out in exaggeration. He opens his arm widely and I can see Eret's thoughts working through his memory. But to my disappointment, both men start blurting out ridiculous nicknames and hugging each other like long-lost brothers. I take back what I said about Eret.

That leaves only Hiccup. He's currently leaning against a tail tree and fixating on Malcom, his ruffled dark hair blending in with the shadows that envelop him. His furrowed eyebrows are accompanied by pressed together lips. I've never seen him quite this...dark. I'm not surprised, though. I would be annoyed, too, if a random guy started flirting with my partner. You see, Malcom seems to be very taken with Astrid. The latter is rather oblivious to what's happening. She continues chatting with Heather by the fire whilst Malcom's seductive grin is trying to gain her attention. But then again, Malcom flirts with anyone and anything.

Hiccup flinches as Tuff's drunk ass abruptly throws a heavy arm around his shoulders. I'm close enough to hear their conversation.

"Trouble in paradise?" Tuff blurts out and hiccups (heh, funny hiccup...nevermind). Hiccup glares at him and makes an unsuccessful attempt to shake off Tuff's arm. However, this leads to Tuff leaning on him even more. And as if one twin weren't enough, Ruff is joining the two – she's been sobering up so her speaking abilities have greatly improved, her intelligence not so much – and hangs an arm around Hiccup's shoulder from the other side. I cannot help but giggle a little at Hiccup's helpless face.

"Marriages, huh. They're awful, I know," Tuff slurs and ignores his sister making weird coughing sounds.


"Cold feet. I've seen it before. But do not fret, little Hickey, I'm here." Tuff purses his lips and smiles drunkenly, his eyes so narrow you can barely see them.

"We've seen the way Astrid looks at you. Everyone has," Ruff suddenly chimes in and imitates her brother's facial expression.

"That doubt," Tuff adds.

"That not-so-subtle disappointment," Ruff continues.

"That constant feeling they settled down instead of up."

"That annoyed huff each time you enter the room because you give them acid reflux."

"That longing for something more than...," Tuff's face twists into aversion as he points at Hiccup's entire tall frame, "this."

"You just gestured to all of me!" Hiccup says with his voice breaking a little, his nose wrinkled in vexation.

Ignoring his Chief's statement, Tuff points to Astrid who's now standing beside Eret, engaged in a relaxed conversation. "You need to focus on being worthy. I mean, she's a warrior queen, for Thor's sake, and you are neither." He's right, though. Not about Hiccup, but Astrid. She's gorgeous and at the same time violent when needed and astute, a real Viking through and through. Long story short: Tuff is right for once.

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