Chapter 51

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A short one, sorry.


The mosquitoes buzz around me annoyingly. I hate that high-pitched sound. And why do they always go for my ears? Just sting me and get on with it, really.

I breathe in again. And again. And again. Because each time one of those little motherfuckers disturbs my ritual. Yes, I have a ritual now. Well, actually, I started with it when I was younger. But as my travelling and working-with-the-dragon-hunters days began, I guess I kind of forgot about it. So, it's no wonder, that without my calming ritual, I transform into a frantic, chaotic, whirly mess. I become restless and cannot focus on a single thing. It has always unnerved me because nobody else seemed to have the same problem. It only made me feel even more like an outsider; like I don't belong. I wonder why I didn't think of reconnecting with this ritual earlier, but I crush my thoughts right then and there. Because I already know the reason I was distracted without even thinking about it. Vara. She turned into my calming ritual.

Fuck. The memory of her crashes the tiny progress I made.


I smile lightly because it's beginning to work. However, I don't allow myself to gloat for any longer because I need this to work. I need to find that small inner place where nothing but tranquillity exists. But the image of her buzzes around in my head like those nasty mosquitoes.

I groan. "Another day, another failure."

Fireblaster tilts his head to the side and casts me one of his knowing and worried glances. I can't deal with that right now. My insides feel like they're uncontrollably on fire. It's like they're itching and pressing against my skin to get out, but there's nothing I can do to achieve any sort of relief. I want to run around and scream until my voice gives out. I want to yell, sing, shout, burst out into laughter, sob. Shit, I'd rip off my own skin to feel better. Anything but this.

I look down at the village beneath me. I have no fucking idea where I am. All I know is that Fireblaster and I flew to the South-East. Back to the continent. Maybe when I arrive there, I will finally feel welcome; maybe it even feels like home. But I don't want to get my hopes up. And I don't let in the thought that has been plaguing since a long time.

The thought that I only ever felt at home with Fireblaster and her. And the gang.

Fuck. I really need to gain better control of my own thoughts, damn it.

Letting my feet dangle off the cliff, I lean back on my hands and feel the soft grass beneath my fingers. Playing with it helps ease my mind a little as I observe the people in the village – every single one of them embodying hundreds of lifetimes of stories, thoughts, and emotions. Sometimes it literally blows me away that I am not the only one in this world. My mind can't seem to grasp the fact that every being perceives the world as I do; lives as I do. It's fascinating.

Oh, speaking of people, there she is. My distraction.

Fireblaster lays down behind me and impatiently wags with his tail. I can tell that he's judging me for staring at the blonde again. In fact, I am surprised he doesn't throw me off this cliff (again). But being touch-starved and needy is really starting to mess with my reputation as an independent and tough guy. I have needs, too. And the one I want, does not want me. It is as simple as that. So, what is left for me to do? Correct...


I clap my hands together and rub them. "Okay, boy, I'm going for it."

All I get is an unconvinced huff. Fine, I'll show him.

I jump down the rocks that perfectly lead a way to the village. What I did not consider was the fact these rocks may have not been invented for jumping upon them. I reach the last one and as soon as I do, it begins to buckle and I slip. I fall and hit the grovel ground with my ass. Hoping nobody saw, I look around me and solidify as I lock eyes with my distraction.

Great. This is just unbelievably great.

She blinks at me, her arms clutched tightly around the bag of groceries I saw her buy just moments before...this. Then with caution in her gaze, I hear her voice for the very first time. It sounds feathery but something in it makes me feel like I can trust her, which could be a good quality. Depending on the person, it might turn into a malicious and manipulative tool, though.

I take in her entire appearance. She's wearing a white linen dress that floats around her like a cloud and almost reaches the tip of her brown leather heeled boots. Her curves are perfectly accentuated yet hidden by a light blue corset which is covered by a thin brown vest. Her hip-long blonde hair is slightly curled and frizzy but it shines brightly and the top strands are braided behind her back. There is not one single flaw visible in her face and that is kind of unnerving. Her skin glows with life and, as she seems to relax, she begins to study me with the same amount of curiosity. I notice that her eyes are greyish like the rain – yet they appear warm and welcoming.


This girl is an innocent beauty. A girl that has yet to mature into her full potential to become a woman. I love a challenge.

I realise that we have been looking at each other for a painfully and awkwardly long time. To cut through the silence, I grant her my most dashing smile, which has conquered and triumphed many times before. But her reaction surprises me.

"Is this how you normally woo women?" Her entire posture has changed. Arms crossed, slightly leaned backwards, foot tapping impatiently, one eyebrow arched sceptically and an unimpressed expression. What the...

This catches me off-guard and my tongue stumbles a little over the words. "W-well-"

More foot-tapping. "Well what?"

"Yes. Flirt."

We both stare blankly at each other.

Yes. Flirt.

Did. I. Just. Say. 'Yes. Flirt.'?!

I want to climb up that hill and ask Fireblaster to throw me down again. Multiple times. Until my sanity and logic has returned.

But she smiles. She fucking smiles. And it is beautiful. The sun has gone up and there is light again.

"Your way of flirting is truly awful," she states but that smile still colours her words.

I suddenly remember that I am still sitting in the dirt. This gives me a chance to gather myself again as I dust off my clothes and clear my throat. I try my grin again, but this time more carefully. My confidence is shaken but a small bit returns when I see her blush a little. No foot-tapping any more. Nor crossed arms. "But does it work?"

She considers and bites her lip. "Maybe..."

My eyes hold hers captive. There's one last thing I need to test, though. I drop my gaze down to her lips, let it hover there, then slowly look back up. She shifts ever so faintly into my direction, her own eyes betraying her as she observes my tongue flick over my bottom lip. That is all I need to know.


Once an idiot, always an idiot.

I shake my head at the fool. Even more so when the girl actually falls for his moves. She should know better than that.

I hate that I have to follow Malcom around. But I need to in order to fulfil my plan. He is part of the path leading towards the top of the mountain. And even if that path is winding in curves around the steep slopes – or in this case, a brainless idiot – I need to remain patient because it'll bring me to my goal. I just have to wait.

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