This is great.
My mudhole I mean. Yes. A hole. With mud in it. My sister says, that technically the mud makes the hole non-existent. But I don't care. I am nut de Tuff. It's my wholesome mudhole. I love it. I know Chicken does, too.
I rest my hands on my hips and sigh in pure satisfaction. In fact, I am so distracted, I don't feel someone ticking on my right shoulder.
I frown then because I don't like being interrupted. But as soon as I look at the intruder, I stiffen and choke on the very creative insult I wanted to throw at this somebody's face...
That they are a fífl.
But it's the girl.
So, I go completely still like a fífl myself and just gape at her with my mouth open.
She tilts her head in question. "Tuffnut?"
Get yourself together, someone in my head says. I think it's Chicken speaking to me telepathically. And she is right.
I clear my throat and deepen my voice, "S-salutations, h-how can I be of help, milady?"
A small smile colours her lips and I find myself feeling extremely happy because I am the one who made her smile like that.
"Well, you actually built your mudhole right next to my reading tree." She points at the tree right next to my mudhole. Then, she furrows her eyebrows and asks, "And why are you talking like that?"
But I only stare at her. "You know it's a mudhole?"
Frowning and with another half-downturned smile, her answer is more of a question, "Yes?"
"Oh," I say and scratch the back of my head. "Well, 'kay. But..."
I can hear a small chuckle in her voice as she asks, "But what?"
"But I just finished it. I-I don't want to leave it yet. It needs its dad," I explain and avert the shining beauty of her honey eyes.
This time, she really laughs. I can feel my face redden at the magnificent sound of it.
"Don't worry. Your mudhole won't be left. We can share the space, you know." She nods at the tree and then at the mudhole at its side. "I'll sit there and you take this side. Easypeasy."
I grin broadely at her and agree with an enthusiastic thumbs up. She understands and I appreciate that. Rarely somebody understand. Or respects.
I eye her as subtly as possible as she sits down and casts her fine, shiny, copper hair over her shoulder. Within one moment, she dives in into one of her books and is gone - no longer part of this world. I am envious of the ability to do that. But it has always captivated me, ever since she moved to New Berk with us. I remember the moment I saw her for the first time. It was after all of Berk took off to find their new home. What I didn't know back then was that not only all of Berk moved away, but also parts of other clans who decided to join us.
Flashback to a few weeks ago
"Stop that!"
"You stop it!"
"BOTH OF YOU STOP IT!" Snotlout yells at us. I don't even grant him a glimpse of attention.
"I specifically said: go right! And you steered left!" I exclaim to the stupid face of my stupid sister.
"No, you said: go left! And since when are you the one giving orders, huh?!" To be demonstrative, she steers Barf to the left, taking Belch and me with her into chaos.
We bump against several other dragons. Their riders shout at us.
"Give me back my dragon," I bite out.
"Give me back my dragon!" Ruff barks back.
"You guys know they are the same dragon, right?" a girl asks to our left. We both turn our heads to show our disagreement. And whilst Ruff does just that, words and thoughts get lost when I look into a pair of eyes that glisten like warm honey. Strands of copper hair flow around her face like a frame of soft fire. Freckles decorate her cheeks and nose like tiny stars. I swallow because my mouth has suddenly become dry. (The picture of this chapter is supposed to be what I think Liv looks like. It doesn't belong to me. I found it on the internet)
"Oh, duh, where are my manners?" she slaps herself against her forehead, then waves her hand a bit shyly and my heart skips a beat. "My name's Liv. I am part of the Forestclan (made-up clan). Your gracious chief allowed my family and I to join you guys in what will hopefully be our new home, too."
"Uh-huh, cool. Bye," Ruff casts the new girl, Liv, a sidelong glance. And I don't stop her when she steers Barf and Belch to the right, away from Liv.
Her name tastes sweet like honey. And I can't stop thinking it.
Liv. Liv. Liv. Liv.
Present time
"Why are you staring at me like that?" Liv suddenly says, yet her eyes don't leave the inside of her book for a single moment.
"I-I am not." I am lying. I am.
She turns her head enough to look at me through thick dark lashes that enclose her eyes perfectly. "Yes, you are. You are doing it right now."
I chuckle a little but it sounds like Chicken is spitting up her food, so I wink at her to loosen up the awkwardness.
In an unexpected turn, she narrows her eyes worriedly and leans in a little to study me. "Why are you blinking like that with your eyes? Is everything ok?"
I groan and hide my face in my hands. "That was supposed to be a flirtatious wink!"
I can hear her laugh again and it makes me even happier than I already am by being in her vicinity.
I flinch when her voice drops and she asks more seriously and quietly, "Do you even remember me?"
Of course I do. But how can I ever be able to admit that when I have acted so foolishly and, in truth, like an asshole?
"Y-you mean to ask if I know you?"
"Yes, that's exactly what I said."
Her book is closed. I have her full attention now.
"You really don't remember?" The subtle tremble in her voice breaks me into pieces. It is enough to make me give in.
"Of course I do," I breathe out slowly and look her deep in the eyes, searching for any kinds of thoughts I might be able to read. But I've never been good at gauging people's emotions. My skills in that departement are more...decent.
I shudder as she whispers, her eyes deadlocked onto mine, "We had sex."
And I reply with the only thing I can come up with to say. "I know."

The Soul of a Dragon
FanfictionMost of my life I have been hiding from everyone and everything. Without my best friend, though, I wouldn't have survived. One seemingly normal day, I come across a strange group of dragon riders. One, in particular, draws my attention. That can onl...