Chapter 56

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It all went according to plan. As I predicted it would be. I never doubted it, unlike others. Though, I do admit that a high probability of failure existed due to the enormous amount of imbeciles I had to work with. Following the charcoal-headed over-confident traitor, keeping track of the Berkian tribe and its Chief as well as my daughter, finding a replacement for the bastard with the onyx sword who simply decided to fuck off, catching the ginger-headed Forest clan girl – all of it whilst trying to keep my focus on the goal. All of it was worth it, of course.

I will see to the rest of the plan myself, trusting no one else with this responsibility.

All of them will pay for what they've done – for crossing me. Especially her.

The chilly air carries a scent of life. Spring is approaching, just in time. If my calculations are correct, it should have awakened from its winter rest. And we're here to knock at its door.


I am so drunk.

Really fucking drunk.

I don't care. It's the only state I can tolerate myself and the world in.

Sitting at the bar, crouched over yet another glass of scotch, I find myself admiring the silky amber of my drink. Before I can control it, I think of the amber highlights that shine when the sun hits her hair. I shouldn't think of her. Yet, I do. All the time. Fuck.

I start reminiscing about the year I spent by her side after Fireblaster and I first met her. Hiding the fact that I found Grimmel's daughter and the light fury was one of the best decisions I have ever made in my life. Leaving her and asking Hiccup to take care of her was not. I regret it, I really do. At the same time, I know it must have been the right decision. But that doesn't make me hate my life any less. Goddamn, I fell in love with that woman the second she smiled at me. How can I not hate my life when she's not in it?

The big gulp of scotch burns in my throat and I relish the feeling.

"So, you're back to drinking yourself numb?"

Damn, I must have really taken it too far this time to be hearing that sweet voice. I have hallucinated before. But during those times I have never imagined her touching me – just like her hand is now resting on my shoulder.

With a soft pull, she turns me around and I-

The air is punched out of my lungs.

Pray to the angels and one may appear. There she is. Hazel eyes narrowed, brows furrowed, dark curls framing her soft contours, the flowery scent she carries – my angel incarnate.

When my jaw keeps being pulled to the floor, I can see Vara trying to avoid smiling by biting the inside of her cheek. But she fails and giggles – it knocks all of the alcohol out of my system and in that moment I am wholly sober.

"Y-you're. Here," I hesitantly proclaim. Another smile and my heart thuds to the ground.

"Well, obviously. And you're drunk," she counters back, the smile now replaced by a criticising stare. The alcohol's effect returns and I find myself holding onto the counter to not fall off my chair.

"I'yam not dwunk. C-can a dwunk pewrson do dis?" I try to tell my legs to stand up and do whatever the fuck legs do. But I cannot remember what legs are supposed to do. Why do we have them? Do we have two of them or four like horses and dogs do?

"You're not doing anything, idiot," she says whilst folding her arms and resting her weight on one leg.

"I totawy did. I was juuust too fasht f-for yo' eyes to see me doin' it."

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