Chapter 36

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A small while ago – after the group heard that Astrid and Hiccup have broken up


After Hiccup and I shared that emotional embrace, I felt the need to clear my head. That's why I am standing at the very far end of New Berk, looking out to the sea and admiring the sun setting. I can already see her nocturnal sister rise above the horizon – today in her full might, glowing strongly and vibrantly.

"Don't tell me you're about to jump," a clear and warm voice says from somewhere behind me, a light chuckle noticeable in the bubbly tone.

I take a deep breath but smile, nonetheless. "Nah, maybe another time. Plus-" I turn around and look into a pair of green eyes, but not the ones I compare to green apples, "Stormfly would catch me in a second. We both know how much she loves to play fetch."

Heather laughs and I am surprised to find myself joining in. Her laugh has always been kind of hard to ignore. But a second later, her expression downcasts.

I frown in question. "What?" But I already have a gut feeling what she's going to say.

"I just...wanted to check if you're alright. I know you and Hiccup broke up some time ago, but seeing him kiss another girl like that? And worry about her like he does? That can't be easy, Astrid."

Yep, I guessed right.

"I'm okay, really," I assure her and mean every word. I am good. And with some time, I will be more than good. I will be great.

The worry in Heather's eyes tells me she doesn't believe me one bit. I never really noticed how astonishingly green they are – like a meadow in summer. The contrast to that jet black hair makes them even more vibrant. She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow. Like me, she is a rather dominant female. At first, that caused us to dislike each other because both of us wanted to be the stronger one. But then we realised that this is not a competition and we actually realised how alike we are. Not soon after, we befriended each other. Now, she's one of my closest friends. And, next to Vara, my only female friend.

I must have been lost in my thoughts because I didn't notice Heather walking over and pulling me in for a hug. I tense but quickly give in. Afterwards, she keeps her hold on my upper arms and studies my face pensively – those beautiful eyes flickering from left to right.

"You know I love you, right?" she says and I can't help but smile as I feel my heart warming up at the sentiment. I fight against tears which is why I only nod in answer.

Heather flashes her typical wide and bright grin. She moves to turn around but somehow my own hands are holding on to her now. And without another thought, I lean forward and breathe in her flowery scent before my lips softly connect with hers. The kiss is more tender than the breeze on a warm summer morning. The moment is so brief, yet it feels like a quiet eternity passes until I realise what the hell I am doing. As if I'm kissing fire instead, I jump back – panting and nearly breaking out in cold sweat. Opposite me, Heather stands frozen with big, shocked eyes.

Somehow, I find my voice again, though raspy and high-pitched. "I-I am s-so s-s-sorry! I-I don't k-know w-what came over me."

I almost don't hear her as she says flatly with shock still painted all over her face, "I'm with Fishlegs."

"Yes! Yes, oh my Thor. I-I-I should...yes, I s-should..." I don't say anything else and simply run past her – no, not running. I sprint faster than a Speed Stinger.

What the fuck did I do? I kissed one of my closest friends – that's what I did. I kissed Heather.


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