"It's not supposed to go there!"
"How dare you accuse me of such atrocities?!"
"You are an atrocity and that's not supposed to go there!"
I try my best to ignore the twin's bickering about the way arrows are supposed to be arranged in the satchel. Apparently, and I quote, 'arrows have individual personalities and one needs to listen carefully to them to find out their favourite placement, otherwise they won't help you in a fight.'
Okay, maybe I have been listening. But only because I need to distract myself from the fact that I kissed a certain brunette who's currently sitting behind Astrid on Stormfly's back and ignoring my very existence. I clutch my hands tighter around Tothless' saddle grip until my knuckles turn white.
For the billionth time since our departure, her words burn inside my head like wildfire that can't be controlled.
'I'm going back home once I have Aria back.'
I never imagined that such simple words coming from a girl I've known for barely a few weeks would pain me this much. I can feel my face turn even grimmer but I dare to cast her another glance. She holds her arms casually around Astrid's waist and even though her beautiful face doesn't show any emotions, her body is rigid and tense from being stressed and afraid.
And angry. Like I am.
I tear my stare off her bewitching face and instead focus on the rest of the gang. Snotlout is flanking me on my left side, behind him Fishlegs and Heather are holding their positions. On our right, Astrid, the twins, and Malcom are flying.
I scoff. Malcom.
I've never considered myself capable of hating someone because I believe there's some good in every soul. But I can safely say that I detest Malcom Vass. I don't know why but my instincts warn me about that guy.
I am not an idiot. I know my...feelings towards that man may also stem from my growing feelings for someone else. I can no longer deny that I've been taken with Vara from the very first moment I saw her, even though I didn't suspect her to be a woman when I spotted the mysterious pair observing us from afar. Ever since, I've been lost.
Lost in the way her name is pronounced; lost in her dark, shimmering curls that appear to be black at first sight but when sun-kissed, reveal honey-coloured and golden details; lost in her eyes that remind me of a lively forest on a sunny day; lost in the adorable freckles that decorate her slightly crooked nose and high cheek bones; lost in those full lips which are the colour of fresh raspberries and feel softer than a cloud...
I could go on and on but suddenly the sound of a voice is waking me from my daydreams.
"Hiccup!" I now recognise Fishleg's voice. "There's a small island ahead. Is it okay if we take a break? Meatlug needs her strength." Fishlegs cuddles his dragon to which Meatlug lets her tongue hang out sideways like a happy dog.
I simply nod and steer Toothless to our right. We've been flying for hours and now that my feet touch solid ground again, anxiousness rushes through me.
Will Vara approach me about the kiss?
I doubt it regarding her reaction.
She quietly mouths sorry, compelling me to watch the soft curve of her lips again, and I watch her turn her back to me. I can't hold myself back as something urges me to grab her waist and pull her small body against my tall frame. And without thinking logically, I finally do the one and only thing I've been wanting to do for a long time now.

The Soul of a Dragon
FanfictionMost of my life I have been hiding from everyone and everything. Without my best friend, though, I wouldn't have survived. One seemingly normal day, I come across a strange group of dragon riders. One, in particular, draws my attention. That can onl...