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Jimin pov

There are moments in your life that become part of you.

They become so ingrained in your memory that you can't let them go, no matter how hard you try.

Some moments may seem small and insignificant when they happen.

Others are so big and important that you know, even while you're in the moment, that your life will be forever changed.

For me, almost all those moments both the small and insignificant as well as the big and important were moments I shared with Jeon Jungkook.

There was a little park across the street from my campus apartment.

I liked to go there sometimes to clear my mind. Especially in the mornings.

I liked to sit on one of the park benches, take in the fresh air, drink coffee, and think about stuff.

As I took a seat on my favorite bench, I thought about how the weather was warm for a November morning in Seoul. There wasn't much to the small college town where I lived.

But still, after nearly three years, I'd come to love the place.

It felt a bit like home to me, even though home was really busan, another small town in South Korea, three hours to Gilcrest.

Aside from busan and Gilcrest being small towns in Korea, the two had nothing in common.

In fact, they should be located on different planets, as far as I was concerned.

I closed my eyes and let my head fall back. I relished the warmth of the sun on my face.

I heard a dog bark in the distance and opened my eyes to find a puppy bounding across the grass in front of me.

Its owner, a cute brunette with short hair and a big smile, laughed and ran as the little dog chased her across the park. My heart skipped a beat as I studied the little dog.

It's funny how memories hit you, I thought. Tiny flashes of your life that used to be buried somewhere deep inside you suddenly appear from nowhere.

The puppy It reminded me of hot summer days. It reminded me of home.

It reminded me of my twelve-year-old self.It reminded me of Jeon Jungkook.

It was a Saturday morning in the middle of summer.

I stood in our kitchen, staring into the open refrigerator. It was the third time I'd done it in the past hour.

I'd had breakfast, so I wasn't particularly hungry. I was mostly bored.

"Jimin, honey, close the refrigerator. Why don't you go out in the backyard and play? Get outside and get some fresh air. It's a beautiful day,"

my mom called out from the living room. That was Mom code for "Get outta here. You're driving me crazy." Even at twelve years old, I knew that.

I looked at the clock on the microwave before I ran out the back door 9:33 a.m. Too early for Jungkook to be awake on a Saturday, I thought.

I'd be lucky if he was up before eleven.

I picked up a stick and threw it across the backyard. I kicked another on the ground in front of me before I slowly made my way towards the treehouse.

That's when I heard it.

The grass rustled first, followed by a high-pitched noise.

I stopped in my tracks and frantically searched for the source of the noise.

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