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Jungkook came along with me on my run again the next morning.

I refused to race him, no matter how many times he tried to turn it into a competition.

About a mile in, he gave up and jogged at a steady pace beside me.

When we passed his dorm, he stopped and pointed out his window and made me to promise to wave up at him.

I promised him I would.

It made me sad.

I gotten used to spending so much time with him. That would change as soon as school started.

When we got back to the apartment, we stood in the kitchen and downed a bottle of water.

"I need a shower," I said.

"Do you need company?" he flirted.

Tae walked in. "Dear god, it's way too early for that," he said as he fell down in a chair at the kitchen table.

"It's never too early for a shower," I said, ruffling his hair.

"Stop it, Maybury. You stink."

"That's why I'm taking a shower, beautiful," I teased as I walked out of the kitchen.

"You go ahead. Take your shower with your football player. I'll just be sitting here, wishing I had coffee, possibly jerking off."

Jungkook laughed out loud. "Of course you think it's funny," Tae said grimacing at Jungkook.

Jungkook didn't respond.

I wanted the two of them to get along.

I also knew that it was mostly my fault that there was still some tension between them.

I never really apologized to Tae for lying to him.

As much as I was in love with Jungkook, Tae was like a brother to me.

I needed there to be peace between them.

As if Jungkook could read my mind, he said, "I'll start the coffee. You go ahead."

"Nah," I said. "I can do it. You go ahead."

He ignored me as he went to fill the coffee maker with water.

"Oh, for fuck's sake. I'll make coffee. You two go have your shower blow jobs or whatever."

I couldn't help but laugh as I watched Tae rub the sleep out of his eyes.

He was an asshole in the mornings.

I hoped Jungkook would give him a break and get to know him.

"Tae, you have no idea how to make coffee." It was true.

He drank it every morning But I always made it, or I brought it to him from the coffee shop.

"It can't be rocket science. It's not like I can't figure it out,"

Tae grumbled before he laid his head down on the kitchen table.

I wondered if he was hung over.

He gone out night before, but I had no idea what time he come home.

Jungkook cleared his throat. "I've got it, monkey. I'll meet you in there. Coffee coming up, Taehyung."

"Thank God," Tae gasped.

As I walked away, I said, "I'm making pancakes later."

"What kind?" Taehyung and Jungkook said at the exact same time.

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