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I studied Jungkook's expression when he and his mum walked into the kitchen he looked okay.

I tried to eavesdrop on their conversation, but my mother kept distracting me.

"Oh my gosh, did you make macaroni and cheese?" He asked as my mother pulled the cheesy goodness out of the oven.

"It's your favorite, isn't it?" she asked, smiling at him.

As soon as she set it down on the middle of the table, she walked over and hugged him.

"I'm so proud of you."

"You're brave, kookie."

"I know today hasn't been easy for you," she said in a hushed tone.

Jungkook shook his head.

"Jimin's the one who's brave."

"I should not have waited so long."

He looked at me and smiled.

I felt butterflies race through my stomach.

I was emotionally spent.

I couldn't believe he told me he loved me.

I couldn't believe he came out to the whole world.

I felt like I won the lottery.

I smiled back at him as he pulled out a chair for my mother to sit down.

She patted his cheek. "Every one does things at their own pace."

"I'm happy for you Jungkook"

He grinned. "I'm happy for me, too."

"I'm especially happy to be eating your mac and cheese today," he said as he sat down beside her.

As Jungkook's sat down, she said, "There's salad and bread also.You boys get some of everything—don't just load up on macaroni and cheese."

I chuckled under my breath as the four of us ate together.

I felt like we were eight again.

Even though there was still a cloud hanging over us, Jungkook's dad to be precise, our mothers were giddy with excitement as they planned a camping trip for the four of us in the summer.

They were almost too excited.

I wondered if they weren't secretly planning our wedding, or how many grand children we might give them.

The thought made me smile.

I would not have even allowed my thoughts to go there a week ago.

We left sometime in the afternoon after a prolonged tearful goodbye and a lot of begging for us to stay for a "sleepover".

I followed Jungkook to his truck, still parked in his driveway.

He walked around and opened the passenger door for me.

I smiled as he closed it and looked down at the bracelet he had given me.

As I ran my fingers across it, I tried to convince myself that I wasn't dreaming.

Jungkook startled me when he opened the driver's side door.

"Ah shit." I looked up and saw Pastor Jeon jogging towards the truck.

I reached over and put my hand over Jungkook's and gave it a little squeeze.

I wanted him to know that he had my support.

CHASING YOU || JIKOOK ✅Where stories live. Discover now