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My hand shook when I opened the front door to my childhood home.

I stepped into the entry way and called out.

"Mom?" I closed the door behind me.


I was making my way toward the kitchen when my father appeared in the hallway.

He was wearing his reading glasses,He had probably been in his office working on his Sunday sermon.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?"

I cleared my throat. "Yeah, I just had something I wanted to talk to you and Mom about Is she home?"

"She's at the store,She should be back any minute."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

I studied the worry lines on his face and noticed how grey his hair had become.

"Come on, let's sit down." He motioned towards the living room.

"Do you want something to drink? There's a fresh pitcher of iced tea,Your mom made it this morning."

"No, I'm good," I said, following him into the living room.

He sat down in his usual chair and I sat down on the couch across from him Suddenly I felt like I was sixteen again.

He cleared his throat. "Your mom told me you were struggling with your plans for next year."

"She said you were unsure about leaving the architecture program to play professional ball."

"I wanted you to know that we're going to support you no matter what you decide."

"Is that what this is about?"

"I'm happy to—"

I interrupted him, "Dad No It is not about that But yeah I'm not sure if I'm going to enter the Draft, I'm not sure it's what I want to do."

He furrowed his brow. "So, how are your studies?"

"Are you still doing well?"

I let my head fall back on the couch.

I didn't want to sit there and make small talk with him,I wanted to wait for Mom but I was afraid I lose my nerve.

"Dad, I'm gay."

I couldn't believe how easily it slipped from my lips.

He looked up at me His eyes were watery He opened his mouth and then closed it again.

My plan was to let him say what he wanted to listen to him politely then to tell him that I was sorry he felt that way and walk out.

But as the disappointment passed over his face, I wasn't sure I could listen to his sermon.

"Son," he cleared his throat.

"I think maybe you're confused ..."

I shook my head. "Nope I'm not confused I'm sure."

"There isn't a part of me that is unsur And before you start, I know how you feel."

"You explained it all in great detail when I was sixteen years old."

"I listened then, Dad. I heard everything you said—"

He interrupted, "Jungkook. Wait."

I shook my head again. "No, I know what you are going to say I'm confused,The feelings and thoughts I have aren't real The devil is tempting me"

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