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It felt surreal standing there in the kitchen listening to Jungkook tell my best friends that he was in love with me.

I was embarrassed but I loved it.

I love him, I thought as he ignored Tae.

"No, it's true. You guys know it But I'm not sure if you know how much you guys have come to mean to me."

"Other than Jimin, I've never had friends like you."

"From the first time I met you guys, I felt like I could be myself."

"I never felt like I had to pretend to be different."

"I want you all to know how grateful I am."

He looked down at his feet and cleared his throat.

"Taetae, thank you for the party but most of all thank you for helping me, not so subtly at times for helping me to realize what was important and for giving me the courage to take it." Tae pressed his hand against his chest and looked down at the floor.

"And Ben thank you for going along with Tae's crazy scheme because you helped me understand that I was missing out on something more important than anything I stood to lose."

Ben smiled. "So you don't hate me then?"

Jungkook's eyes were watery. "No, man, the opposite ..."

"Jordy thanks for always being real and just listening to me." The corners of Jordy's lips turned up.

"I love you guys."

"Maybe that sounds gay ..."

We all laughed as I held back my own tears.

He continued, "Seriously, I know you're Jimin's friends first but I just want you to know that I consider you my friends too and I feel lucky." Jungkook raised his glass.

"So,here's to you guys thanks for being so supportive."

"Aww that was the sappiest thing I've ever heard," Tae said raising his glass.

"Don't make us group hug you." Tae cleared his throat.

"Jungkook, by the power vested in me by well me, I guess you are declared an official School Gay."

"To Jungkook, he's out, he's proud, he's hot and he's ours. Cheers queers!"

We all clinked our glasses together laughing.

Ben looked at Jungkook and shook his head. "I couldn't believe it when I saw your Instagram post today."

"Well done, mate."

"That took a lot of courage."

Jungkook looked down at the floor. "Thanks, Ben."

"How did it go with your Dad?" Jordan asked.

I reached for Jungkook's hand and squeezed until he looked up at me smiled.

"It was pretty much how I expected it to go."

Taehyung put his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, "Well, I'm no expert but really, how could God hate gays?"

" I mean look how cute we are, I find it impossible"

We all laughed as Tae fell into a kitchen chair. "I don't know about you guys but I'm completely drained."

"Who knew straight people could be so exhausting?"

He looked around the apartment. "And messy Oh my god, look at this place."

"Maybe I can get a cleaning service to come tomorrow, or we could just move or something."

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