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My hands shook as I buttoned my jeans, I reached up in my closet and grabbed the green Lions hoodie Jungkook had given me from the shelf.

I was nervous.

I couldn't understand why Jungkook wasn't.

When he kissed me goodbye to leave for the stadium, it was like it was just another day for him.

It wasn't just another day for him.

It was the last college football game he ever play.

I wanted him to do well.

I wanted him to do better than well I wanted him to win.

I couldn't believe it had been a year since Jungkook and I had gotten together.

Time had flown by.

But at the same time, it felt like we been together forever.

In a way, we had. We had a few years apart, but he had been a part of my life forever.

He felt like a part of me.

I was so much in love with him that there were times when I felt like I couldn't breathe when we were apart.

I must have been experiencing one of those times as I pulled my hoodie over my head because I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

I reached down to grab my black converse and carried them over to the bed, where I sat down intending put them on.

Instead, I let them fall from my hands to the floor and fell back on the bed to stare up at the ceiling.

Tae's voice startled me as he burst through my door.

"Do you have Gayby"

"What are you doing?"

Ignoring the second question, I answered the first. "No I thought he was with you."

" Gabe," I called.

He appeared a second later from the bathroom looking guilty with a small piece of toilet paper hanging from this mouth.

"Gabe! What did you do?"

I jumped up from the bed and went to the bathroom to find that he had managed to unwind an entire roll of toilet paper.

The floor was covered in it.

"Gabe No Bad dog!" I said sternly, as he looked up at me with sad eyes, immediately making me feel guilty for snapping at him.

"Jimin, don't call him bad."

"You'll give him a complex," Tae complained as he scooped him up in his arms.

"You're not bad Gayby, you're good."

"You're so good."

I looked back at Taehyung in frustration. "That's easy for you to say."

"You don't have to clean this up." I bent over to start cleaning up the mess.

Tae put his hand on my shoulder. "Jimin Stop."

"I'll get it,You take him."

I looked back at him skeptically. "Who are you."

"And what have you done with Tae?"

He rolled his eyes. "Clearly you're stressed."

"Take Gayby and go sit down"

"I've got this." I let out a sigh and stood.

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