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Jungkook pov

I was right about the game. Joon and I were in perfect sync.

I knew where to throw the ball before he even moved from formation.

The truth was, winning that game was a long shot. UNC was a much bigger program than ours. Everyone knew it.

But what the Lions lacked in talent, they made up with determination.

The Heels' defense was struggling and, somehow, we managed to match them touchdown for touchdown.

It had been twenty-five years since the Lions managed to pull out a victory over UNC's Tar Heels.

It was overtime and I'd just thrown the perfect pass to Joon, who'd made it into the end zone for a touchdown.

We were down by one point. I looked at Coach and he was about to send our kicker onto the field.

One more point would tie the game and send us into another overtime.

But I was ready to end it. I gave him the signal. He shook his head.

I nodded. Joon was eyeing me.

A two-point conversion was risky, but I knew we could do it. Coach relented and called the kicker back.

I gave the guys the signal and we lined up. I faked a pass to Joon, which cleared a small opening in the line of scrimmage.

I sprinted towards the end zone.

A couple of tackles were made on the goal line, blocking my route.

I took my opportunity and dove over the row of bodies, holding on to the ball for dear life.

From the sound of the cheers from the crowd and my teammates,I knew we'd won before I even opened my eyes to see if I'd made it across the goal line.

As I walked off the field, I barely noticed the cheers of congratulations and the pats on the back.

All I could think about was Jimin.

I want to see Jimin.

The mood in the locker room was electric. Cheers, music, screaming, and yelling.

As excited as I was, I was glad when Coach finally got everyone calmed down.

I tried to pay attention to his speech, but all I could think about was Jimin.

I pulled my phone out of my locker.

I sat down on the bench in front of my locker and I scrolled quickly through my phone until I finally found the girl's text from the registrar's office that had Jimin's number in it.

I wasn't sure what to text him, so I went with the middle school text of choice.

ME: Hey.

It was nerve-racking waiting on his response, so I tried to listen to what Coach was saying.

We needed to be geared up and at the bus in thirty minutes. Steak dinner at the Faculty Club upon our arrival back school. That's all I got.

I was just about to give up when I saw the small dots flickering underneath my text. Typing.

My heart pounded in my chest as I waited for words to appear on the screen.

Jimin: Who is this?

I couldn't stop smiling after his text finally came through.

I lifted my phone up and took a selfie and sent it to him.

Jimin: Hey there! How was the game?

I was a little disappointed that he hadn't seen the game, but Jimin was never that into football.

It didn't matter. Honestly, I had him to thank for winning.

ME: Great. We won.

Jimin: Congrats! Big day, huh?

ME: Not as big as last night...

I watched the dots appear and disappear under my text and worried that I said the wrong thing.

Jimin: Awww... I'm blushing.

A smile spread across my face.

He was flirting, and I loved it.

ME: I wish you could have been here.

Jimin: Me too.

ME: Gotta go shower and get on the bus. Talk in a little while?

Jimin: Sounds good. 😃

He put a smiley face emoji at the end.

I would have preferred the one blowing a kiss, but the regular smiley was enough. Joon's hand hitting my back knocked me out of my daze.

"What are you waiting for, jeon? An invitation? Get in the shower, dude. We have to be on the bus in fifteen minutes. We have some celebrations to attend."

I double-timed it taking a shower, dressing, and packing my gear.

When I finally made it out to the bus, I saw Mom and Dad waiting on me with the rest of the players' families and girlfriends.

A small pang of disappoint hit my chest when I found myself wishing that Jimin was among them.

My mother hugged me first. "You played beautifully tonight."

I smiled at her. "Thanks, Mom. It was a fun game to play."

She patted me on the chest. "The Coach said something about a dinner at school. We can drive over."

I quickly shook my head. "Nah, don't do that. It adds an extra hour to your drive home."

"Plus, the guys will want to get out and celebrate soon, so it wouldn't be worth your time."

My father spoke up. "Son, that was a spectacular game. Congratulations,"

he said as he pulled me into a hug. He had so much pride in his eyes it almost felt real. But I knew it wasn't.

If he knew the real me, he'd never look at me like that again.

But I wasn't gonna let the thoughts of my father ruin my night.

I won the biggest game of my life and I planned to celebrate with Jimin.


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