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As I sat at our regular table a round booth in the corner—with Tae, Jordy, and Ben, I felt sick.

Part of me wanted to go home.

But I was afraid that kook would show up there.

If he showed up, I give in.

I be weak.

I just wanted to forget.

I wanted to forget about kook.

I wanted to forget how much I loved him.

Tae had cornered me as soon as I walked in the door.

I begged him to leave me alone.

I begged him not to ask what had happened at End Zone.

I needed to be with friends and I wanted to drink.

I needed to forget.

I been sitting there for what felt like forever.

I needed our waiter, Chip, to bring me another beer but according to Ben, they were short a server.

I felt Tae's eyes studying me from across the booth.

I didn't care.

I knew I have to tell him every thing but I wasn't interested in doing that anytime soon.

I slammed my empty bottle on the table. "I'm going to the bar."

I walked towards the bar in a fog and waited for the bartender to notice me.

It was a few seconds before a familiar voice spoke against my ear.

"Hey, you look great tonight." I cleared my throat and looked round to see Mark standing behind me. I shook my head.

The last thing I needed was to talk to my ex-boyfriend but he was standing there crowding me, smiling at me, looking at me like he wanted to eat me alive.

I looked at him. It was odd I was not attracted to him anymore.

Not in the least. At least he's out.

He can talk to me in public without throwing up.

That's a bonus, I thought.

"What can I get the cute couple?" the bartender asked, looking our way. He was new.

I never seen him before.

Clearly, he was new or he would have heard the gossip about Mark and me.

"Two lemon drops." Mark looked at me again.

"What were you going to order?" he asked,revealing a giant smile.

One that I forgotten.

I cleared my throat and yelled into his ear above the loud music that had begun to play.

"A beer, I guess."

"Add a Heineken," Mark called out to the bartender.

"How've you been?" he yelled into my ear, I could feel his breath on my neck and it made me feel uncomfortable.

"Fine," I said, trying not to look at him.

The bartender placed two shooters and a Heineken on the bar in front of us.

I reached for my wallet, Mark grabbed my arm.

"I got this," he said.

"Put it on my tab," he called to the bartender.

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