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Jungkook pov

I felt like I could breathe for the first time in I didn't know how long.

It wasn't easy saying those words to Jimin. But he was so fucking perfect.

Everything he said.

I didn't deserve his kindness or, most of all, his forgiveness, but it felt good.

Just hanging out with him playing video games again was enough.

As every second I spent with him passed, I grew more attracted to him.

If just hanging out with him playing video games was all I ever got, it would be enough.

He elbowed me when we finished the game after he looked at his watch. It was almost midnight.

"Hey, do you have a curfew or some thing? It's getting late."

My face turned red. "Oh my god, you were getting ready to go out.I'm sorry. I'll go. Jesus, Chim. I wasn't thinking."

He laughed. "No. That's not what I meant. I'm not going anywhere. I just didn't want you to get in trouble. You can stay all night if you want."

His cheeks turned red. I loved it when he blushed. I shrugged. "I don't have a curfew. I mean, technically, we do. But it's not like they check up on us. Were you serious, though?"

He raised an eyebrow. "About?"

"Me staying?"

"Of course. Stay as long as you want."

"All night?" I asked, wondering if I was pushing my luck.

Jimin wrinkled his forehead. "You mean spend the night?"

"Yeah. I don't really want to be by myself tonight." That was a lie.

The truth was, I couldn't stand the idea of being away from jimin.

"I mean, it's not like we haven't spent a thousand nights together. Is it weird?"

he snorted. "No weirder, I guess, than being pulled out of a freezing river or waking up naked with you in a sleeping bag or you showing up at my apartment to tell me that you're gay."

"Why not let the weirdness continue?"

"It's not that weird, is it?" I said, smiling at him.

He grinned. "It's completely weird. But you should stay."

I couldn't stop myself from staring at him. He took my breath away.

"Okay, you twisted my arm. I'll stay," I teased.

We played another game and I found myself yawning by the end of it.

"You better get to sleep soon," he said.

"Big game tomorrow."I rubbed the back of my hair nervously as I followed him into his bedroom.

"Yeah. Probably."

It was my idea to stay over, but I wasn't sure if I could keep my hands to myself if we were in the same bed together.

He disappeared into the bathroom and came out brushing his teeth.

I sat down on the corner of his bed and watched as he grabbed a pair of plaid flannel sleep pants out his dresser.

He took the toothbrush out of his mouth and asked, "You need some thing to sleep in?"

"Nope, I'm good," I said, taking off my shoes. I looked up at him and he looked nervous.

I suddenly wondered if I shouldn't be there. If I was crossing a line. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable, and we still hadn't talked about what happened between us up in the mountains.

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