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Jungkook pov

I stood there in Jimin's living room second-guessing myself for just showing up at his apartment.

The waiting was killing me. I been a mess all day. He was the only thing I could think about.

Practice was a shit show.

Barely thirty minutes into running plays, I gotten sacked three times by a freshman defensive back.

After the first time, Coach yelled at me to get my head outta my ass.

After the third time, he yelled my name. His voice was filled with rage.

" Jeon!" He waved me over to the sideline.

I ran over to him and he spit on the ground beside me and took hold of my face mask.

"I don't know what's got your head fucked, but you've got,"

he looked down at his watch, "less than twenty-four hours to fix it."

"Do we need to talk?"

"No, sir," I responded.

"Okay then, go fix it," he said, letting go of my face mask and patting me on the shoulder.

"Yes, sir," I said as I turned back towards the practice field.

" Jeon," he called, "where the hell do you think you're going?"

"Back to practice, Coach."

He shook his head. "Get off my football field, Jeon, and go fix your fucking head, got it?"

I nodded and walked away from practice stunned I never been kicked out of a practice before. I grabbed some dinner on the way to my dorm.

I also texted a girl I knew that worked in the registrar's office and asked her for Jimin's address.

I knew which apartments he lived in, but I didn't know his apartment number.

She responded right away and gave me the address, no questions asked.

I wondered if she do that for just anyone.

I ate my dinner in the laundry room which was down in the basement of my dorm while I washed Jimin's clothes.

Then I took them up to my room and folded them neatly into a small duffle bag that had the University Football printed on the side of it with a picture of our mascot, a lion, just above the words.

I showered and shaved and threw on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and a clean flannel, grabbed the bag, and took off towards Jimin's place.

As I walked, I tried to sort out what I was going to say to him.

I promised myself I say whatever it took. Whatever it took to make him look at me with something other than hurt in his eyes.

I was so nervous when I knocked on the door, I was sweating. When the door opened, I was shocked to see the guy standing in front of me.

He was... I didn't really have another word to describe him other than beautiful.

He had long, wavy blonde hair that fell to his shoulders and blue eyes.

He was wearing torn faded jeans and a tight black V-neck that hugged his body.

A black corded necklace hung from around his neck with a small silver circle attached, and he had a silver cuff bracelet.

He looked like a fashion model, one you see on the cover of a magazine.

His eyes drifted up and down my body. I felt my face warm.

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