34 (M)

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We stumbled through my bedroom door within seconds, Jungkook was unbuttoning my shirt.

One painstaking button at a time.

Stopping to kiss my chest after each button.

I was trying to control my breathing.

I was so turned on, I didn't think I could wait another second to have his skin against mine.

After he unbuttoned the last one, he dropped to his knees and unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans.

I put my hand on his head.

"Go Lions," he said, with a laugh.

I was wearing a pair of green briefs that had a white band around them.

"You like?" I teased.

He nodded his head as he pulled my jeans down to my ankles. His mouth settled against my throbbing erection.

The heat of his breath passed through the green fabric, causing my entire body to shudder.

I gently pressed his head back.

"If you do that, this will be over in about thirty seconds. Come here."

He stood and gripped both sides of my face and kissed me.

As our kisses became more hungry, I reached between us and tried to unbutton his shirt.

My hands shook as I struggled to get each one unbuttoned. Jungkook lost patience with me and pulled it over his head while I unbuttoned his jeans.

As he stepped out of them he pushed me back on the bed.

I quickly scooted back.

He knelt between my legs and looked down at me for a second before grabbing the waistband of my briefs and pulling them down.

As I struggled to get free of them, he smiled at me. "I'm so fucking attracted to you."

The intensity of his gaze caused my heart to speed up. "Seriously, there's not one thing about you that I don't find attractive."

I reached over to my nightstand and got out the lube and a condom and put them beside us on the bed. He looked at them and looked back at me.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded. "I think so."

He fell on top of me and kissed me and began to move his hips against mine.

As our hard cocks made contact, I moaned.

"I need you to be sure, baby," he whispered in my ear.

"I'm sure," I rasped.

He pulled away from me and studied my eyes.

"What if you don't like it?" I asked, finally voicing my biggest fear.

It didn't matter that we  been naked in bed together almost every night for the last month.

There was still some small part of me that was terrified he change his mind.

That he suddenly decide that he wasn't gay after all. It was irrational, but I couldn't escape those thoughts.

He grinned and scrunched his brow. "What if you don't like it?"

I rolled my eyes. "I'm pretty sure I'll like it."

He shook his head. "I'm pretty sure I'll like it too. But if either of us doesn't like it, we won't do it again."

I nodded nervously, He sat up and knelt between my legs and squeezed some lube onto his fingers.

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