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Jungkook pov

The closer I got to Busan, the more I wanted to turn around and go back to Gilcrest. It felt different going home that day, for some reason.

The burden of my secret weighed more heavily since I finally admitted it to myself.

I was sure that my father would be able to tell. He take one look at me and he know.

I laughed at my ridiculous thoughts when I turned onto our street. I pulled over and turned off my headlights.

It was much later than I planned to arrive, but I couldn't make myself get on the road any sooner.

I looked down the block. I could see my house in the distance, and Jimin's.

There was a street lamp between the two houses that partially illuminated our driveways.

Jimin's Honda was in the driveway.

I swallowed and tried to catch my breath. I wondered for a second if I could work up the nerve to see him.

What would I even say to him?

How could I even try to apologize for everything I done?

My cheeks heated, and my heart pounded as I remembered the last time we were really together.

I hated remembering that camping trip.

Well, mostly I hated it. I hated it because of how I acted.

I hated how I treated him.

I embarrassed myself, bragging about sexual encounters with Kara that I never really had.

If he only knew. If he only knew that as soon as she offered me her virginity on prom night our senior year, I broke up with her.

I wanted to have sex with her.

No, that's not really true.

I wanted to want to have sex with her.

But my dick wouldn't cooperate. I was such a fucking fraud. I'm still a fraud.

I shook my head. I had no idea what possessed me to ask Jimin to watch that stupid porn movie that night.

When Jason sent me that movie, I had no intention of watching it.

Maybe I thought that it would some how prove to Jimin that I was straight.

Maybe I thought if Jimin agreed to watch it with me, it would prove that Jimin was straight. I laughed at the absurdity of it all.

I crossed a line that night.

I should have known better But that didn't change the fact it was the hottest sexual experience I ever had, and we didn't even touch each other.

I lied when I told him I wanted to sleep afterward. I really just laid there wrestling with my feelings for him.

As soon as his breathing evened out and I knew he was asleep, I scooted over as close as I could to him.

He eventually turned on his side, wrapped his arm around me, and nestled up against my back.

When I woke up later that night to his kisses on the back of my neck and his hand on my hard cock, I thought I was dreaming.

I wanted him more than anything.

But I wasn't ready. I couldn't do it.

I knew if I let it happen, there be no turning back.

There be no way to deny what I was.

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