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Jimin pov

My legs wobbled as I climbed down out of the tree house. I felt like I was in a dream. Jeon Jungkook just asked me to be his boyfriend.

It was the last thing I expected.

I wasn't lying when I told him the whole thing scared me to death.

He had the power to break me.

I knew that. It happened once before.

The next time would be so much worse.

As I stepped off the last rung onto the ground, he put his arm around me, kissed my cheek, and whispered in my ear, "Race you inside." His warm breath against my ear sent a shudder of excitement through my entire body.

I watched Jungkook sprint towards the back door. Laughing, I shook my head and took off in a slow jog after him. As I walked inside the house, I could hear his footsteps on the stairs.

I stopped in the kitchen and pulled out the blueberry lemon muffins I put in the oven before going out to see him.

I put two on a plate and carried them upstairs. When I opened the door to my bedroom, Jungkook was lying face down on my bed, completely naked.

He looked over and grinned at me. "You lost."

Jesus, he looked perfect lying there.

I smiled back at him. "I'm pretty sure I won."

"What are those?" he asked, propping his head up on his fist.

"I baked muffins," I said lamely, staring down at the plate.

"I'm not hungry."

"You're not?" I whispered.

He shook his head slowly.

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked as I sat the plate down on my desk.

He shrugged. "I don't know. Take your clothes off."

"Bossy much?" I teased.

His lips curled up a little at the ends.

"Off, Baby."

I took my glasses off and laid them on the desk, quickly pulling the scarf from my neck.

I reached for the collar of my t-shirt and pulled it off over my head. I could feel Jungkook's eyes on me as I tugged on the drawstring of my sleep pants.

"You are so hot," he whispered as my pants dropped to the floor. My cheeks burned when I heard his compliment.

"You don't have any idea, do you?" he asked. "Come here."

I climbed on the bed and crawled towards him. He reached up and I froze as his fingers drifted gently across my collarbone and down my chest, brushing lightly over my nipple, sending chills through my body.

His touches felt like tiny whispers against my skin. I was so turned on, I wondered if I would come before we even started. The way he looked at me; so reverent and intense.

I was breathless. His fingers traced the ridges and dips of my stomach and his eyes followed. I tried to control my breathing as he touched the soft hairs that led downward from my naval.

It was all too much. It was too slow.

I wanted him so much it was driving me insane.

His fingers played along the waist band of my briefs. "They're red," he said.

I cleared my throat. "Yeah."

"You always wear black."


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