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Jungkook pov

I left his apartment that morning feeling uneasy. I was glad he finally told me why he was mad.

I was glad that we'd talked.

A little part of me was even glad that he got jealous seeing that picture of me with that girl.

Because the thought of Jimin with another guy drove me crazy.

It wasn't a lie when I told him I didn't want anyone else.

But the truth was, I wasn't ready to define what was between us.

And deep down, I knew he needed more than what I was willing to give. I just wasn't sure I could give it to him.

There were still times when I could hear my father's voice telling me how wrong Jimin and I were.

But still, I'd been so happy the last few weeks. It wasn't perfect, but it was more than I ever dreamed of.

It was more than enough for me.

But I was beginning to see that Jimin needed more, and that morning was a wake-up call.

I needed to seriously consider coming out sooner rather than later.

I couldn't lose Jimin again.

I couldn't.

He seemed okay after we talked.

But it wasn't realistic for me to think that he'd put up with me sneaking in and out of his bed every night for much longer.

I sighed and inwardly cursed myself for being such a coward as I descended the stairs to exit his apartment building.

I hadn't even talked to him about Christmas break.

We were both leaving that day to drive back home. I wasn't sure if we'd even be able to see each other while we were home. Two weeks.

I shook my head. There was no way I could go two weeks without Jimin.

I wondered if there was a way we could sneak away and see each other without our parents knowing.

Maybe I'll call him in a couple of hours, I thought to myself.

As soon as I pushed open the apartment building door, a burst of freezing air hit me in the face.

That was when I heard someone from behind me clear his throat. I jumped at the sound and turned around.

Tae was standing in the corner of the lobby, leaning against the wall behind the door.

I felt the color drain from my face as our eyes met.

He had a cup of coffee in each hand.

His long, curly blonde hair was in a messy bun on top of his head and he had a thick plaid scarf wrapped around his neck.

He was wearing faded, ripped jeans and a black leather jacket.

"In a hurry, quarterback?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

I shook my head and began to stammer. "Taehyung? Hey, I-I was just..." I pointed towards the stairs.

I thought about lying to him.

I thought for a split second that I could tell him I knew a girl that lived in the building.

But, for some reason, I couldn't make myself say the words. "Uh, I was just headed back to my dorm. Good to see you again," I said, turning my back to him.

"Not so fast, footballer. You and I need to have a conversation."

"About?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

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