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"Jimin, honey, stop pacing. Come sit down," my mother said as I paced back and forth in the kitchen.

I looked at my watch and let out a breath, running my fingers through my hair.

I walked over and sat down with her at the kitchen table.

She pushed a glass of lemonade in front of me.

"Drink," she said.

I slid my fingers up and down the cool glass. "I'm just worried about him."

I looked at her and she was smiling. "I always knew y'all loved each other."

"It was obvious from the time you were little boys."

I rolled my eyes. "Mom. Stop. How can you be so calm? You know how Pastor Jeon is."

"This is hard for Jungkook, I can't stand the thought of him listening to one of his sermons on the evils of homosexuality."

She reached over and squeezed my hand. "Liz won't let that happen And give Jungkook some credit if he decided he was ready to do this he'll stand up to his dad."

"There are things I can't share with you but he'll come around,You have to trust me."

I had no idea what she was talking about but I knew if she couldn't tell me, it was because Kook's mom had told her something in confidence.

It wouldn't matter how many times I asked my mother would never betray Her.

Mom sat back in her chair and sighed. "I can't believe both of you ended up hiking up to Black Bear on Thanks-giving."

"What are the chances? It must've been fate."

I shook my head, I hadn't told her the whole story of course. She would've freaked out if she knew I almost fell in the river.

When I told her Jungkook and I were together, she hugged me like I just won the lottery.

I was glad that she was happy for us but I couldn't stop worrying that jungkook would change his mind after he talked to his father.

I couldn't get Kook's words out of my head, "What if he's right?"

It broke my heart to think that any part of Jungkook believed his father's warped sense of morality.

"You know, your father would be so happy for you two We talked about it He could see it even back then."

I nodded and squeezed her hand. "I know Kookie and I talked about it."

"I told him I thought Dad would be happy for us."

Mom stood up. "Maybe I'll start some lunch."

"Kook will be hungry when he gets here Unless he eats at home,Do you think he'll have lunch over there?"

I sighed again. "Mom Stop Quit acting like you're not nervous you're just making me more nervous."

"So, should I make lunch or not? I'm not even sure what I have." She opened the fridge.

"Mom. Just sit down," I said, before I heard a knock at the door.

I jumped up and looked down at my watch,It hadn't even been thirty minutes.

Before I could make it to the front door, mrs Jeon had opened it and was dragging a small suitcase on wheels behind her.

Her eyes were red and puffy. "I'm moving in until Jungmin gets his head out of his ass."

She looked up at us in the kitchen.

"Where's Jungkook?"

"What do you mean?I thought he was with you," I asked feeling a wave of panic come over me.

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