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I was surprised to find a parking spot right in front of Jimin's building when we returned to school.

I looked over at Jimin he was smiling at me.

I could barely make out his features under the dim light of the street lamp.

I leaned over and kissed him and shook my head.

I was happy.

I was still a little nervous about football and talking to my coach but the worst was over.

As I looked at him,I felt loved I also felt lucky, lucky that he been so patient with me.

That he found it in his heart to love me even after I hurt him so many times.

I didn't want to hurt him again and it felt good to let go of all the fear that had clouded my life for so many years.

I was going to do everything within my power to make sure I never hurt him like that again.

"You ready baby?"

"I guess." He looked at his watch.

"It's still early, maybe we have time." His voice trailed off.

"Time for what?" I asked.

He blushed and small giggle escaped from his throat.

"I don't know ... time to get naked?"

I burst out laughing. "I don't hate that idea at all. Come on."

I quickly turned off the engine, jumped out of the truck and jogged over to the passenger side.

He was already stepping out of the truck when I reached him and pulled him into a tight hug.

I kissed him and stared down at him, smiling.

My heart was pounding.

"Let's hurry."

He laughed as I dragged him up the stairs to his apartment.

We were still laughing when he handed me his key and as I fumbled with the lock.

When I managed to open the door, I was surprised to find that the apartment was pitch black.

I patted the wall until I found the light switch.

As soon as light cascaded through the apartment, a chorus of screams surprised me.

"Surprise!" I'm Coming Out blared through the place.

It felt like every bit of blood in my body had risen to my face.

"Holy shit," I said as I looked around the apartment.

I looked back at Jimin.

He looked as surprised as I felt. I scanned the apartment.

There were dozens of people there Of course, Tae, Ben, and Jordy.

But also at least a dozen guys from the football team and some of their girlfriends.

A bunch of friends from my architecture classes were sprinkled throughout the crowd.

Even Jenny and Becky from busan were standing on either side of Tae.

Joon was there with Natalie.

The girls from upstairs, Shelia and her roommate were standing in the crowd.

"Oh my God, what is this?" I was completely at a loss for words.

"This is your coming-out party, quarterback," Tae said with a giant smile on his face.

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