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"In the midst of life, we are in death

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"In the midst of life, we are in death."

It was one of those rare and uneventful days when nothing happened that required (Y/N)'s immediate attention That wasn't to say that something couldn't pop up at a moment's notice, but for now, things were fairly calm. And even though the phrase 'no news is good news' applied to the situations she had to handle in the mafia more often than not, (Y/N) disliked quiet days more than she appreciated them.

Having nothing to do left her feeling antsy, her mind numb and her thoughts jumbled and scattered, thinking about her usual philosophical and sometimes bleak musings for hours on end, and she always felt a sense of relief once she was finally summoned to go take care of something new, or if that didn't happen, once it became late enough that she could start heading to the bar, knowing the others would arrive there soon as well, if it was one of the designated nights.

On this particular day, (Y/N) found herself walking along the road mindlessly while playing her game system. She did not pay much attention to where she was going. Since she had not been successful in finding anyone else who could entertain her, she had made the decision to simply walk in the direction in which her feet took her, whether that was to nowhere, to somewhere she knew, or perhaps into the river.

Frowning at the mission on the screen that had been giving her trouble recently, (Y/N)'s ears caught the faint sounds of youthful cheers and hollers coming from nearby, with occasionally a laugh mixed in. She would have thought nothing of it, her walking speed slowing down but continuing nonetheless, but then she heard another voice, an older and deeper-sounding one, and although she couldn't quite make out what was being said, (Y/N) would have recognized that voice anywhere.

She froze in her tracks, looked up for the first time in a few minutes, and grinned at herself with a sardonic smile at her own predictability. Even if her conscious mind hadn't been thinking about coming here, not expecting to find the whom she wanted to see, apparently her feet had had other ideas, (Y/N) thought amusedly, gazing across at the western-style restaurant where Sakunosuke Oda housed his children. The girl couldn't yet see anyone, but she could definitely hear their voices, and so she walked further, expecting to find them around the side of the building.

Sure enough, soon they came into view, colorful blobs of energy and excitement standing out against the black of the asphalt. In the main area of the parking lot, Oda was playing catch with the boy with the baseball mitt and one of the other ones that looked like the oldest child, the three of them were standing in a triangle formation. The only girl in the group stood off to the side, jumping up and down as she observed the others. The last two boys were seated on one of the benches up against the side of the restaurant, one of them doing something (Y/N) couldn't make out from here, and the other watching him do so.

❝ 𝙉𝙤 𝙇𝙤𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙃𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣  ❞ LONG HIATUS Where stories live. Discover now