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YOUR POV:The moment Finney and i ran outside to escape but also getting caught by the grabber for the second time is what really started my panic attack

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The moment Finney and i ran outside to escape but also getting caught by the grabber for the second time is what really started my panic attack. I, of course, passed out, along with Finney but when i woke up and remembered what happened, my breathing became uneven.

I stood up slowly but my head was pounding and i was a little dizzy so I leaned against the wall and slowly sunk down, gripping my hair. "You're o-okay...you're ok-okay" i tried to convince myself but it just wouldn't work. I began sobbing and i could barely breathe anymore, all I wanted was to go home...

I woke up from my unconscious state only to hear the sounds of crying. I instantly sat up remembering Y/n was here with me. I looked over to see her having a panic attack and got up, rushing over to her quickly. "Y/n, Y/n, hey, you're okay..i promise!" I whispered gently, placing my hands on her arms. She flinched but soon noticed it was me.

"I-i wan-wanna go ho-home" she stuttered through short and quick breaths. I always knew Y/n struggled with panic attacks and i was surprised to see how far she made it without having one up until now. I feel like everything was finally hitting her like a ton of bricks and it scared her to death.

"I know, i know, darling...we're gonna go home, okay? I'm gonna make sure of it." I reassured comfortingly, in a soft voice, the one i always used to calm her from a panic attack. "Look at me" I whispered and she did, i placed her hand on my chest. "Follow my breathing, okay?" I asked and with all her strength, she managed to nod.

We breathed together, in and out. She was doing good and eventually, her attack was over. "See, you're alright, love..." I murmured and took her in my arms. She was exhausted from the crying and lack of energy since we haven't had any food so she passed out in my arms.

I lifted her up bridal style and laid her down on the uncomfortable mattress and leaned down to kiss her forehead. "I'll protect you with my life, Y/n" I whispered, determined to keep her alive even if i don't keep myself alive...

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