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Requested by iheartjavonnn

The new girl, Bailey, was basically the start of my insecurities. She was beyond gorgeous and i see boys admiring her, i also know Robin has a huge crush on her. I also see Finney looking at her...he isnt gonna leave me for her, right? In class i see him look at her then look back at me.

Whenever i got home, I would compare myself in the mirror. Bailey has beautiful, neat hair, light freckles and the most gorgeous green eyes. Me, i'm plain and boring. I wonder why Finney even picked me half the time, there are much more prettier girls.

Actually, boys at the school bullied me sometimes for not reaching their standards. I never tried to impress anyone with how i looked, yeah i wanted to look pretty, but only for myself...and for Finney. I wasn't really bothered about any other girl in my year because not much boys were crazy about them. But then Bailey came along, grabbing everyone's attention.

It hurt, especially if you think your boyfriend was one of the boys who admired her. But I don't truly know if he does, I definitely know Robin does though, man, Robin really likes that girl and i get the idea she likes him alot too because he saved her from a bunch of guys who were flirting with her. Him and Finney have done the same thing for me before.

I stood in front of my mirror, looking at my body and my facial features, along with my hair. Sure it was nice, but it just wasn't...gorgeous. When i was admiring myself, I didn't notice Finney walked in until his arms wrapped around my waist. "You okay?" He mumbled into my ear, i nodded weakly but i knew he wasn't buying it, at all.

Finney seemed to read my emotions really well, sometimes it was annoying but other times, it was a little helpful in some situations and issues.

"Tell me whats up, love" he murmured and turned me around to face him, rubbing my waist gently. I sighed and looked down. "I'm jealous of Bailey...everytime i look at her i just get really insecure because shes so pretty and i'm-" I couldn't finish the sentence because my boyfriend cut me off with a kiss to the lips. I obviously kissed back.

"Shut up, you know you're absolutely stunning right?" He asked, his voice and tone were comforting, it soothed me a little. "But...she's better, i've seen you looking at her" i spoke and he furrowed his brows before laughing and shaking his head. "Noo, baby, no." He answered and pulled me closer. "You're the only girl i look at, i only look in Baileys direction when Robin's there so i can tease him" he informed making me laugh.

"Please don't be insecure because of this girl because i just know, you'll always be prettier" he reassured and kissed my forehead. I couldn't stop smiling, it felt like that was the only thing i had to hear. Finney Shaw caring, loving and comforting me in any way he could.

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