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 IB: Ebarnaville

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IB: Ebarnaville

School was weird today, as soon as i walked in, everyone blew up in a ton of whispers and stared at me. I've never gotten this much attention before, it was weird and uncomfortable and the more people stared, the more I wanted to crawl up and die.

But I ignored it the best I could and reached my locker but it wasn't long until Matty walked over to me. "Hey Y/n" he was grinning massively and..it was weird that he was actually talking to me since he never does. "Hey matty?" I replied. He leaned towards my ear. "Wanna give me some?"

I didn't know what he meant...until his hand grabbed his crotch area and my eyes widened. "Ew, no!" I spat in disgust and he rolled his eyes. "What, you did it to Mark and multiple other guys, why not me?" He questioned, my eyebrows furrowed. "Mark? I've never spoken a word to him, and I wouldn't just blow him off, I wouldn't blow anyone off!" I argued.

Matty laughed. "The walls say different, slut" he snapped before slamming my locker closed and walking towards his friends. The walls, what walls? I looked around and noticed people gathering by a wall, laughing. When they saw me, the boys winked and the girls scoffed in disgust. I rushed over and looked at the wall.

In red spray paint, it read; "Y/n the slut L/n, get a free blow" i felt so humiliated! Tears sprang into my eyes and I looked at everyone. They were laughing...but Gwen, Robin, Finney and Donna weren't. They gave me a look of sympathy. With my head down, i walked away quickly, avoiding eye contact with anyone. I heard Robin and Finney yelling at everyone.

Donna and Gwen ran after me as i hid in the girls bathrooms, crying. "Y/n, it's okay!" Gwen tried to comfort me. "No its not, everyone thinks im a slut, Gwen!" I sobbed and sat on the toilet seat, knees up to my face. "We don't believe it, Y/n/n" Donna spoke up, i sniffled. "Yeah, we're your real friends. Everyone else can believe it, but we're not fake and stupid like them!" Gwen joked. I chuckled a bit.

I opened the stall door and Donna and Gwen hugged me. "You should go see Robin and Finney, they're worried about you too" Donna informed, rubbing my back, leading me out the bathroom where Finney and Robin stood. "I-i can't go outside anymore, more boys will ask me for blows!" I whined, Finney seemed to tense up at that.

"Who the fuck asked you for that?" He asked angrily, wow, Finney never gets this mad about anything! "Matty...he asked me earlier and said i had given one to multiple guys before so why not do him too" I explained, Finney went to storm off but Robin grabbed him and whispered something into his ear.

I was furious, what kind of sick people spread rumours about a girl like that? Especially if its Y/n. She's not a slut at all. When i heard what Matty asked her, i was about to go and beat his ass but Robin grabbed me quickly. "Dude, hes not worth it!" He said and i shook my head.

"He's saying sick things to her, of course hes worth it" i insisted but Robin shook his head. "Look, you stay with Y/n, i'll go bust up Matty's face. She needs you now more than ever, Finn" he explained. I knew he was right..plus, I cant fight for shit. I sighed in defeat. "Fine, i'll stay with her"

Robin grinned and pat my shoulder before walking off, i turned back to Y/n and the girls. "Can i talk to Y/n in private?" I asked Donna and Gwen, they sent me knowing smirks which i just ignored them and took Y/n's hand, taking her away. "OFF TO BLOW SHAW NOW, SLUT?" A boy yelled, i was gonna say something but Robin threw a punch at him and continued until the boy was knocked out.

"Finney, you don't believe the rumours..do you?" She asked and i shook my head instantly. "Absolutely not, Y/n. You're not a slut and never will be. You've never kissed a guy, let alone blow one" i replied and she sighed. "At this point, I'm gonna be kissing no boys at all..." she frowned, I wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Why do you say that, hm?" I asked softly and she looked at me. "Nobody wants to kiss a slut.." she answered sadly and i frowned too. I turned to face her and looked down at her. She looked up at me in confusion. I tilted her chin and leaned down to kiss her lips, she immediately kissed back. I pulled back and grinned at her. "Looks like you finally got a kiss, huh?" I smirked and she smiled at me.

The most beautiful smile ever.

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