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💌 ... [ #FINNEYBLAKE ] ◌ೄ

A new girl had joined our school last week, her names Hannah, and my friend group tried our best to make her feel welcome. It also seemed like Bruce was starting to grow a small crush on her...meanwhile, it looked like Hannah took a liking to Finney.

Finney Blake, my boyfriend. The boy i love the most in the whole entire world. At lunch today, i sat with him, Gwen, Bruce, Hannah and Robin. Robin was getting tutored by Gwen and Finn seemed to be in a deep conversation with Hannah about science.

Yes, unfortunately she was a science nerd. Unfortunately because Finney loved it too meanwhile I didn't. Did Finn and i have anything in common? He seemed to be taking a liking to her...Bruce soon noticed that I fell silent. "Y/n, are you okay?" He asked and i hummed in response, giving him a reassuring smile before i turned to Finn.

"Hey Finney, you wanna get a slush after school and have a walk around the park?" I asked, thinking he wouldn't reject. I mean..technically he didn't. "Actually Y/n, i want Finney to show me around after school, is that okay with you Finn?" I glanced at Hannah before looking back at Finney.

I knew Finn...he doesn't like to say no.

"Uhh..s-sure Hannah, sorry Y/n. We can do it tomorrow?" He suggested and then the bell rang. Hannah grabbed Finney's hand and dragged him off. I remembered Hannah mentioning that her and Finn had the same english class. I frowned and stayed sat down, Bruce and Robin gave me a look of sympathy but walked off to their classes.

Gwen stayed with me and rubbed my back. "Is he falling for her..." I whispered sadly and Gwen's lips parted as she shook her head quickly. "Y/n, are you kidding me? Do you know how much that boy rants about you, it gets on my nerves but...he definitely loves you, so much" she explained. She turned to look at the clock that was in the cafeteria.

"I better go to lesson, but please remember how much my brother loves you, Y/n. Don't let some fartknocker like Hannah get in the way" she joked making us both laugh. She hugged me before rushing off. I decided to get up and spend period 5 in the girls bathroom, not wanting to see anyone.

I felt awful for Y/n. I was also mad at Finn but i knew he didn't mean any harm, he was just being nice. After school, i walked with Y/n home and later on when Finney came back, I decided to have a talk with him. He walked through the door and i hushed him, pointing at daddy who was passed out.

He nodded and silently walked off to his room, i followed him. "Finn, i need to talk to you about something..." i spoke and he looked at me in worry. "Did dad do something? Are you hurt? Are you-" i laughed quietly. "Im alright Finn..its actually about um..Y/n" I muttered and he looked concerned again.

"Well, is she hurt? Is she alright?" He asked quickly and pulled me to sit beside him on the bed. "Listen Finn..i know you're only being nice to Hannah but you've blown Y/n off so many times since she came to this town" I explained and he furrowed his brows. "What? No way!" He exclaimed. I raised a brow. "Think about it, whens the last time you and Y/n had some time alone? When was the last time you invited Y/n to sleepover?" I questioned.

He stayed silent and I didn't fail to see the guilt rise on his face, he looked so ashamed. "Fuck, im such an idiot" he whispered to himself. He buried his face in his hands and i rubbed his back. "You can always go and see her, I won't tell daddy..and if he wakes up i'll say you stayed at Robins" i said and he looked up at me, smiling weakly.

"Thanks Gwenny, i'll be home later, okay? If dad does anything, tell me as soon as i get back. Promise?" He held up a pinky and i smiled, hooking mine with his. "Promise." He grinned and gave me a hug before slowly and silently tip toeing out the door.

I sat on my bed, overthinking everything. What if Finney does leave me for Hannah. I mean..could i blame him. She was literally a female version of him. In science, they sit together and they'd get so excited over everything. Before she came along, i admired Finney's actions but now...I refuse to look that way, afraid to catch Hannah's eye.

I looked up at my ceiling as a tear fell down my cheek. There was so many dates Finn and i were supposed to go on but he blew off...all because of Hannah. Like i said, Finn could never say no. He was afraid to say no because of things that have happened in the past. He says no to his dad, he gets beat, he says no to a bully, he gets beat.

He was terrified to say no. But...he also looked like he was having so much fun with Hannah.

I was taken out of my thoughts when i rock hit my window. I sat up and walked towards it, opening my curtains and seeing Finney stood by my window, panting. I opened the window. "What are you doing here?" I whisper yelled. "Can i just come in?" He replied, clearly wanting to see me.

I walked downstairs freely, my parents weren't home as they both had a night shift and my sister was at a sleepover. I opened the door and Finney immediately jumped into my arms, mumbling apologies. "Finney, hey, calm down!" I chuckled but he didn't laugh back, he had tears in his eyes.

"Im so fucking sorry, Y/n. I'm sorry i was an awful boyfriend and blew you off for some stupid girl so many times just because i was scared to tell her no. Listen, i owe you so many dates and i think we should cuddle up and watch a movie..right now oh and also, i love you..." he explained and my heart skipped a beat. I smiled and cupped his cheeks, kissing him passionately.

He blushed like an idiot because we rarely kiss like this, but either way, he returned it. "Come on baby, you must be freezing. Oh, and i forgive you, i love you too, so much" I replied and he smiled like an idiot as i dragged him up the stairs.

We watched a movie and cuddled up, talking about other date plans we need to catch up on. Finney suggested a picnic tomorrow and I suggested the drive in for the next day. After we talked, exchanged kisses and cuddled. He decided to go home, not wanting to leave Gwen for too long. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay? Without Hannah. Shes so annoying, she likes science more than me" he complained, huffing like a child.

I chuckled. "What, more than you?! Thats shocking" i teased and he rolled his eyes and pecked my lips. "See you tomorrow, dummy" he said with a smile, i bit my lip and smiled back as he walked off. I watched him until I couldn't see him anymore before going back inside. He still loved me, my overthinking was pointless.

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