Chapter 4: Lilly ' The Freak' Johnson

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- Sorry Lovies, i had a rather busy week ! Still trying to upload every other day ! ♥'

General POV.

Finally the last bell sounded.

Lilly got her backpack and slung it over her shoulder.

She walked to her locker and put some books she didn't need away.

Lilly closed her locker and behind it was Robin.

'You wanna go home together?' Robin asked smiling.

'Thank god please.' Lilly said.

'I'm not even sure which way to go.' Lilly said putting her hair up in a high ponytail.

'That's fine I'll guide you around Hawkins.' Robin said with a smirk and she walked out of the school.

Lilly was walking next to Robin as Robin was rattling about her day.

Lilly was looking around seeing everyone going home in cars or hopping on the schoolbus.

When she saw Eddie walking with a few guys almost dressed exactly the same.

They were all walking up to the parking lot.

'Lils?' Robin suddenly interrupted.

'Huh? What's up?' Lilly answered shaking her head.

'I was asking how the English class was.' Robin said as they were walking.

'Made some new friends?'

'Hmmm.' Lilly shrugged.

'It was fine just some guy next to me almost stealing my Walkman but just checking out my music.' Lilly said.

'It was a bit weird, but he was cool.' Lilly said.

And when they reached the exit of the parking lot a big black van drove by.

Lilly held her arm out for Robin so they wouldn't get hit.

But the van stopped and the window rolled down.

Overkill by Motorhead was blasting out of the speakers.

And Eddie Munson's head popped out of the window.

'Sorry I just missed ya Lillith.' Eddie said playing with his words.

Lilly raised her eyebrow.

'Get the fuck out of her with your Motorhead.' Lilly said crossing her arms a small smile appearing on her face.

When they heard a car claxon behind them.

'Come on Lils, It's Steve.' Robin said pulling her away from the van.

Lilly let Robin drag her away, but she let out a small smirk to Eddie before turning her face.

'Are you okay?' Steve said when both of them jumped in the car.

'Yeah why?' Lilly asked when she put her backpack on the floor and put on her seatbelt.

Robin did the same and sat on the backseat in the middle scooting a little forward so she could listen in to the conversation a little more.

'You almost got hit by Eddie ' the freak' Munson.' Steve said while pooling away.

'The freak?' Lilly said while raising an eyebrow and sitting back.

'I'm sitting next to him in English.' Lilly said while putting on her sunglasses.

Both Robin and Steve shared a look through the rearview mirror.

'You need to watch out with him.' Steve said while driving.

Lilly turned her head towards Steve.

'And why's that, because he likes metal and rock music and dresses like that?

I mean then look around in my closet.

Maybe I'm Lilly 'the freak' Johnson.' Lilly said using her fingers to pin point the freak.

Steve turned to look at Lilly for a second.

'Well you have a good point, that's not it.' Steve said making a sharp turn to the left.

'He sells drugs Lil.' Steve said.

'And he's friends with lots of those type of figures.' Robin added.

'Oh...' Lilly said directly feeling ashamed for her sudden outburst she had been her for like three days, and didn't even know Steve or Robin that well and she already had an opinion about how they thought about other people.

'That's fine Lils, you couldn't know that.' Robin said smiling to her.

To which Lilly smiled back to her.

'Just don't buy drugs from him, dad hates drugs or anything to do with it.' Steve added to the conversation.

'Okay sounds fair.' Lilly said before sitting back in the car seat.

'Do you guys wanna go drink something ?' Lilly asked.

'Or don't you have a mall here in Hawkins?' Lilly said jokingly.

To which Robin and Steve looked at each other.

'It kinda burned down.' Steve said

'We worked at the ice cream shop there.' Robins said.

'Shit got burned to pieces.' Steve added.

'Oh well that sucks, and there's no other place to go get a drink?' Lilly said.

'Damn it's really boring here isn't it?' Lilly added with a smirk.

'We have the arcade tho.' Robin said brining it up.

'Omg ! we could go there' Lilly said.

'I loooove arcades.' She added.

To which Steve rolled his eyes.

'Okay okay okay! We're going.' He said as he turned around the car and drove towards the arcade. 

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