Chapter 65: The decayed cabin.

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The four of them were driving towards the woods.Lilly has closed her eyes and sat back down in the front seat.Steve, Robin and Nancy were talking with each other.When suddenly Steve stopped the car.'Steve we're still in the middle of butt fuck nowhere.Why are you stopping?' Lilly said as she sat up.

But when she looked up she saw an old decayed cabin.'What in the world are we doing here?' Lilly asked.

'Here let me help you!' Steve said as he turned the car off and stepped out of the car.
But before he was at the door a few others ran to the door.
It was our favorite curly-haired boy Dustin.
'Hi, Dusty bun.' Lilly said with a smirk.The other one was Mike they helped her out of the car. The others stepped out too.Then a few other people came outside of the cabin.

They helped Lilly to the front of Steve's car and everyone walked over to her.
'The names Jonathan.' a boy with a stoner look told her.
'From..' Lilly pointed to Nancy. they both nodded.
'Cool.' Lilly said she pushed her glasses on her head,To shake his hand.

A similar boy put his hand to Lilly.
'I'm Will.' He said with a soft smile.
'Hi Will, I'm Lilly, I'm glad to finally meet you.' she shook his hand.

Then a girl walked towards her, she had a shaved head and carefully put her hand towards Lilly.
Lilly smiled and shook her hand.
'I'm Ja.. El.' She said.
'Lilly, I've heard a lot about you too.' Lilly said a smile on her face.
'I also dig the haircut, I could never it takes balls.' Lilly said as her smile turning to a smirk.The girl smiled back at her.

Then a really tall dark haired boy walked towards her.
'Hi, I'm Argyle.' He said.
'Hi , Argyle like your eyes.' Lilly said with a smirk.
'Could use some myself after a month worth of trauma and i've been sober most of it.'
'Let me introduce you to some palm tree delight then Madame.' Argyle said as he was looking in his pocket.

'No no, no not now Argyle.' Jonathan said and he pulled Argyle aside.
Then two older people came outside of the cabin.
'And who are these guys?' Lilly asked.
'The woman is our mom.' Will explained.
'The man is my dad.' Ell said.
They walked towards Lilly.

'It's a pleasure Elizabeth.I'm Joyce Byers and this is Jim Hopper.'
'Please call me Lilly.' She said with a smile.
'Let me get you inside, there are a few people who want to talk to you.' Hopper said as he helped her stand up and slowly walk towards the cabin.

'Welcome to my humble abode.' Hopper said as he sat her down on the couch. Two people in black suits came forward.
Which made Lilly raise her own defense.
But Steve walked in and sat beside her.
'It's okay, they have gotten Joyce and Hopper out of the Sovjet Union, and we all talked to them. It's important they know everything.' Steve said.
After an hour of interrogating about how she moved to Hawkins and how she got involved in everything they came to the hardest part.

'There are just a few parts that only you can fill in.' The woman of the government agents asked her.
'Like what?' Lilly said as she sat forward.
'What happened to Patrick at Lovers lake.' Lilly stiffened.
'The house at Lovers Lake is Reefer Ricks. We had been hiding... ' Lilly didn't finish her sentence it was the first time she was going to use his name. Steve noticed and he squeezed in her upper arm.
'Mr. Munson?' She asked.

'Yea..' Lilly fastly answered.
'We made a pact that he would get to the other side of the lake, and I would try to keep Jason and his friends off. But Patrick spotted him..They jumped in the water and tried to catch up with him.. But then suddenly Patrick started levitating and his bones started to crack..' Lilly was telling in horror of the others.
'It was the most horrifying shit i have ever seen..But it saved... ' she swallowed again.
'It saved Eddie at the time, so i ran.' Lilly concluded her story.
They then asked her all sorts of questions of the time she and Nancy were inside of Vecna's mind like Max was.

And after another hour of interrogating she was sick of it.
The government agents knew enough and thanked them for their time.
Lilly then stood up and she stumbled out of the cabin.When she was outside she was searching for her cigarettes.
But she had none.
so she struggled herself to Steve's car in which she hid an emergency package.
She lit one and stood with her back towards the cabin. Resting herself on the hood of the car.
This was so much to bring up at one time.Steve had followed her out of the cabin after a minute.

'Lilly..' Steve said as he walked towards her.
'Steve..' Lilly then said coldly.
'I want to thank all of you, for everything you have done for me, and to help me get back on my feet and get to know you all.
But I also want to curse and shout at all of you.' She said as she meant Dustin, Steve, Nancy and Robin.
The others had followed them outside and they were all looking at Steve and Lilly.
Who still had her back turned to them.

'Max is in the hospital, we don't fucking know if she's going to live..
I heard the nurses say she might even be braindead!' Lilly started to shout.
'We should have never let her do that..Vecna would have wanted me too..The whole dad thing remember..
I should have never EVER let her do that.' Lilly said as she threw her cigarette away.

To which she cursed and grabbed another one out of the package and lit it.
'Lilly..' Nancy started trying to get forward to her.
'No no don't you fucking Lilly me.' She said pointing her cigarette to Nancy.

'But you couldn't have taken her place you had your own things to do..
And you almost gave your life.' Robin argued with Lilly.

To which Lilly started laughing.
'Yeah about that..I fucking failed didn't I?' She said as she took another swing from her cigarette.
She turned around to face everyone.
Her bangs were falling in front of her face. They were smudged against her forehead because of all the tears and panic she had felt for the last hour.

'What about Eddie..Huh?
I let him fucking die, but no one has the fucking balls to tell me.
Or even mention his fucking name.
Eddie was everything to me! EVERYTHING!' She shouted at everyone pointing her cigarette to them.

'I fucking let him die...' Lilly said a bit softer this time she was fighting the panic attack that was coming up inside of her.

'And no one even dares to tell me he's fucking dead and where his fucking body is.
I never got to...' Lilly her anger started to change into sobs', moans and groans. She fell to her knees crying.
'Lilly...' Steve said walking forward to her.
'No don't you come fucking closer.' She said to Steve.
The whole group was looking at the tough strong girl, who had a big mouth and an even bigger heart.

Then Dustin came forward in the small crowd of people.
'Lilly.. What do you remember of that night?'

She looked up to the curly haired teen.
'The last thing i felt were those nasty fucking bats, who are responsible for me never being able to wear bikini's again.' Lilly said raising her shirt.
A chuckle escaped Dustin's lips.

'The last thing i heard was your fucking scream.It was heartbreaking, I was to fucking late..
I couldn't get their attention on time.. they fucking got him..
And it's all my fault..' Lilly said sobbing looking to the ground.

'I should have gone last on the rope.' She said.
'Then he would have never had the chance to do what he did..'
'But not even you had the guts to tell me what happened Dustin..' Lilly said looking up to him tears in her eyes.

'Lilly.' Dustin said. 'There's one last thing we need to show you.'
He helped her stand up.
'What a fucking grave.' She said to Dustin.
She wanted it to sound harsh but it actually sounded soft and broken.

'Everything huh?' A cocky voice she remembered so well came with the help of Robin and Jonathan through the cabin doors. Lilly looked like she had seen a ghost.

She dropped her cigarette and it fell on the ground.

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