Chapter 26: What to do Mr Munson.

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'We fucking won!' Lilly yelled.Dustin, Mike, Gareth and Jeff were all staring at each other before they all went berserk and started jumping and screaming together.Lilly got caught in the middle but she didn't mind she joined them.Eddie was smirking while sitting back on his chair.

They all had something to drink and clinked their glasses. Lilly loved being around Dustin and Mike. They were nice and liked all the movies she liked.So they always had something to talk about. Eddie was still smirking at her on the side. And when everything was over and they all cleaned up. Lilly had brought Mike and Dustin home a little bit earlier. Mike needed to get on a flight to California tomorrow morning, and Dustin was on the route. She had promised Eddie to get back to maybe do a joint or have a beer together.

So when she drove back to the parking lot of the school. She saw lots of drunk and hyped people coming back from the gym.'They must have won.' Lilly said while rolling her eyes.

She jumped back through the school doors.When she saw Steve with Brenda giggling through the hallways. Steve saw Lilly and he nodded his head at her.Lilly raised her eyebrow to Steve before walking back to the classroom they just played Hellfire in. The light was off.

'He must have gone to the forest to smoke.' Lilly said to herself.But she still went to check.She opened the door where she found no one it was dark and empty.'Pfff.' Lilly said to herself. She did just in case check some corners and in a closet but he really was gone.

'Ass.' Lilly cursed as she walked out of the classroom. 'Sorry?' Eddie's voice suddenly sounded. He was standing with his back on the lockers and his feet up against it. 'That you're an ass.' Lilly said while closing the door.

'Sadly i'm supposed to do what you're saying tonight.' Eddie said.He put his feet back on the ground and walked over to her while pulling down the sleeves of his leather jacket.'I would have put you in place right here.' He said while standing in front of her. Lilly straightened her back and looked at the tall guy.She locked eye contact.

'I want you to fuck me Eddie.' Lilly said with a straight face.

Eddie's face didn't even change.'where?' He just asked. 'You've been here longer than me.' Lilly said. 'Probably got a lot of places you want to do something.' She told him with a wink.'Okay something i wanted to do for a long time.' Eddie said and he took her arm and pulled him with him. Lilly almost fell to her feet. But she catched herself and ran after Eddie.

'Watchout okay.' Eddie said while putting his finger on his lips.Lilly nodded to him and turned her back to Eddie looking around the hallways. Eddie took a bobby pin out of Lilly's hair to which she grabbed his hand turning around to him.he showed her the bobbypin and folded it out.'Got another one?' Eddie asked her softly. Lilly nodded and pulled another one out of her hair making her sidebang fall forward. She blew it out of her face and gave Eddie the bobbypin.He smirked and took it gratefully.

Lilly turned around again till she heard the door click. 'Got it.' Eddie said softly as he pulled her inside.Lilly felt him pull her around and in just a second. She was inside the classroom.And in another second Eddie had pushed her up against the door.

'God what were you even thinking tonight.' Eddie said as he looked her in her eyes. Eddie had Lilly's arms above her head. 'How can someone get me so fucking crazy.' he continued his sentence.'The fact that you came through that door had me extremely angry and goddamn arroused at the same time.'

'That was the whole idea Eddie.' Lilly suddenly said. As he looked down at her.a smirk on her face biting on her lower lip.

'You know where we are Lilith?' Eddie asked her.before he was starting to kiss the side of her neck. 

'It's dark Eddie i can't see shit.' Lilly said to him.

'Wrong answer.' Eddie said between kisses. To which he suddenly bit her.

Lilly let out a soft moan when he bit her.

Eddie then let go of her and pulled her off the wall.

'Let me explain you what this is.' Eddie said. He put Lilly in front of the desk.And walked to the back of the class and sat down at the table.

'This is the place where I met someone who changed my world.' Eddie started. Lilly looked confused at him.'And this it the place you want to fucking fuck me?' Lilly said sarcasticly. 'I hate the class they teach here.' Eddie started.'This bitch made me fail 3 times.'

To which Lilly started thinking the only class he was failing was English.'She put me alone because of me failing so many times.And wanted to pay closer attention to me.''But then someone was added to our class and that person was put next to me.Wearing a fucking band shirt and listening to the best music.' Eddie said.

'Oh my god we are in Miss O'Donnel's classroom.' Lilly said looking at Eddie in the dark. 'And she was listening to fucking Led Zeppelin.She knew everything she needed to know about it. Hated school, loves good music, smokes weed, gives me a hot shower but also pulls me in a pool like a real bitch.' Eddie ended his story and stood up from his place.'From the moment i laid my eyes on you Lilith.' Eddie said shaking his head.

Lilly's heart was thumping out of control.This was the most romantic thing ever. And it was coming from Eddie the freak Munson.Before Lilly could even think straight she acted.

She pulled off his hellfire shirt and threw it on a table. As she sat on the desk of miss O'donnel.Eddie stood between her legs putting her head between his hands. 'God i fucking adore you Lilith.' he said before she kissed him.And hard.

He was prepared because he took over dominance between their tongue's in a second and after a few minutes they broke apart. A trail of saliva between them. 'Let's fuck up this desk of hers.' Lilly said with a huge grin on her face.

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